Nov 09, 2009 12:10
Phouka is, by turns, one of the best things in my life right now, and a little fuzz-butt tormentor from hell.
Sometimes like this morning, he's my humorous, intelligent, affectionate funny bunny. Just about every cat I've ever had has rubbed up against me to secure my attention and affection. It's a cat thing. I've had cats that nuzzle at my hand as a reminder that it's not being applied to its full potential since it's not actively stroking them. Also a cat thing. But I've never had a cat before that goes so far beyond nuzzling that he'll root with his nose until he wedges it under my hand, wriggle it forward a little more, and then toss his head up and back and flip my limp hand up on top of his head. He'll do this continually when I'm lying in bed if he knows I'm awake and it never fails to amuse me. Luckily he's never done it while I'm still asleep. That wouldn't be so endearing.
There are times that he constantly runs in from the balcony to me like a little kid running to mommy on the playground, just to secure a little bit of attention and affection. And there's the Phouka who makes himself comfortable on my chest when I'm watching TV and lets me flip him over in my arms and cradle him like a baby. He'll sleep like that for an hour or more sometimes if not disturbed.
Then there's the flip side of the coin. Like last week when the weather was warm and I left the balcony door open a bit at night and woke up to find that Phouka had nabbed another wee birdie and I had to dispose of it's stiff little corpse and clean up the feathers.
Or that he likes to pry open the cabinet door under the sink and take a nap in the back corner which, for some reason is partitioned off with a low piece of plywood. I wouldn't care so much because he usually doesn't disturb the stuff stored there but one time when maintenance came up to fix my non-working garbage disposal it was found to be unplugged. (It plugs in back in that corner.) And he did it again last night! Now I have a disposal full of garbage that I can't get rid of because my knees won't allow me to get down there and plug it back in. I'm going to have to go to the store and get an extension cord with a three-prong receptacle and plug the damn thing in above the counter whenever I want to use the disposal until Thanksgiving when my brother comes over and I'll have him secure the cord in some way. Because I'll be damned if I'll call maintenance in because I'm too decrepit to kneel on the floor, even on thick cushions. That's just too humiliating.
The little shit is sleeping on the corner of the desk that I have to keep cleaned off for him because he likes to be near me. He looks angelic, but I know that sometimes he's just Lucifer's little meat suit. Fitting since Lucifer was an angel too.
phouka the cat