May 07, 2009 23:17
You know, when I did the sticky post of my few fics I, rather hesitantly, put hit counters on the pages. It actually felt a little weird, like I was spying, but I'm rather glad I did.
Since they're mostly older fic I wasn't sure if they were ever read anymore. Especially since they were buried in my LJ. So I put in the counters out of curiosity because most people who read a story don't comment and most of the people who would comment don't usually do so on older fic. I can't tell of course, if people are actually reading the stories, although with the multi-chapter ones it's a pretty good bet when there are as many hits on the last chapter as the first, that they are being read.
It's not exactly a storm, but it's gratifying. *G*
And! Gonna go pick up the brother tomorrow and see 'Star Trek'. *bounces*
my fic,
sticky post