It's been brought to my attention that I really should have a 'sticky post' of my fic even though I really haven't written that much. And I will admit, when I go trolling through someone else's LJ, looking for their fic, I'm much relieved and gratified when I find a nice neat index of their writing that's readily available, so here's mine, by fandom:
Black Hawk Down
Viable OptionsBuddiesCW-RPS
Innovative Design series (Jensen/Jared)
Typhoon Gold Granite Bell Book and Candle Clouds Before the All Seeing Eye
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three,
Part FourThe Fast & the Furious
Connections Series Master PostGravity Master PostWanted
Coming to Terms All of my fic with the exception of WIPs can also be found at
my AO3 site where they can be downloaded in various eReader forms.
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