Dec 08, 2008 18:28
It's really frustrating when you're trying to get into an Supernatural story that sounds like it could be pretty interesting but your mind keeps getting derailed because Sam is packing a 'jumper' and throwing trash in a 'bin' and Dean has a 'sexty-seven' Chevy Impala that's 'blearing' music. Sad to say that those weren't the only things my mind kept stuttering over and I'm not even half-way through the 2nd chapter.
OK, so maybe the author really doesn't know that music can't get red, teary eyes but should rather be loud and/or blaring, but simple typos can be easily corrected by even the LJ spell checker because I'm pretty damn sure there's no such word as 'sexty' even in other English dialects. And please, non-American writers of American show fanfic, for the love of slash, please get an American to check your word usage and I swear to god if I ever write something in any of the tasty non-American show fandoms I'll be sure and find someone from that country to help me out.
Now I have to go dump that fic and its bookmark because it ain't ever gonna work for me.