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Nov 21, 2008 17:55

I'm still watching The West Wing. I'm the 4th episode into the 5th season and I had to stop and make a little search on the internet.

At the end of the season opener they use a piece of music that just moved me so much that I had to track it down. I'm obviously not the only one because when I googled 'west wing music' it was the first entry in the first hit on the list. It's called Sanvean (I Am Your Shadow) and it's performed by Lisa Gerrard (sometimes with her group 'Dead Can Dance').

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If her voice sounds familiar, she's also the one who sings the equally haunting Now We Are Free from the end sequence of Gladiator and who sang the title song for Black Hawk Down along with Danez Prigent. Those songs and many others by her are available on YouTube.

Sanvean has been performed by others - notably Sarah Brightman (also on YouTube) - and while it's still beautiful it doesn't move me nearly as much as Gerrard's version.

At first I thought the song made me feel incredibly sad but after listening to it while not associating it with the episode of West Wing (which was very sad) I realized that they feelings it evoked weren't necessarily sad but very deep and complex.

And speaking of beautiful music that evokes deep feelings for me: Awhile back I asked if anyone remember a piece of music that Katerina Witt skated to about 10 years ago called Sister's Keeper but there were no replies. since then I've found it. I'd give nearly anything to find a recording of this song.

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Unfortunately Katerina was never graded very highly on the performance (even on the American performance I originally saw where she didn't fall - also on YouTube) because the piece is about grace and interpretation and not about athletics.

I hope you enjoy the music as much as I do.

lisa gerrard, katarina witt, music

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