Back to school...

Oct 10, 2005 19:33

I had a series of dreams last night in which I was back at Cornell and it was the beginning of a new semester. I had a list of classes and their times and locations. I was my current age (i.e. 8+ years after graduating), I was just going back to learn more. Looking at the schedule I saw that I had very early classes almost every day (i.e. 7AM classes- the earliest actual class time at CU is 7:40). At first I was worried that this wouldn't do at all, as I used to never make it to such classes and inevitably squeaked by with whatever I could absorb about the material from the textbook.

But then I remembered that these days I actually get up early on a fairly regular basis. Granted, I rarely make it to work early, but I do make it to things like the gym more-or-less on time. So maybe this schedule will actually work out O.K. I recall being pretty happy with the actual classes- they seemed more liberal-artsy and less engineering-like. Then I was trying to figure out where they were, but that part of the dream didn't go anywhere.

There was also this other part where I was lying in my bedroom (not my current bedroom- I'm not sure if this was in some other unspecified "my bedroom" or maybe a dorm or hotel). Anyway, I was on the bed, but the room was wierd and there were strange faces and figures around as decorations and whatnot. Standing up on the bed to arrange some on the headboard caused everything to start folding into the wall, including the whole bed folding up like a Murphy bed, and then folding on through the wall to the outside. Which I think was a parking lot, but I'm not sure. No idea WTF that was all about. I had to go try to rescue the figurines, which ended up in a creek or something.

Maybe that was the drugs. I'd taken an Ambien to try to reset my sleep schedule as it had gotten all out of whack from being sick. I love that there's a warning on my sleeping pills: "May cause drowsiness or dizziness". Really? I would certainly hope so!

Anyway, the obvious interpretation of the back to school dream is excitement over new possibilities with regards to new career options. Hopefully I'll have something more concrete than wacky dreams to write about on this topic sometime soon :)

life, dreams

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