Dear Lazywebs... browser tabs into windows?

Mar 24, 2009 17:52

OK, I have a longstanding browser feature request, but maybe someone out there knows a browser that already does this, or knows that Firefox does this and can tell me where the blasted option is since I certainly can't find it.

I frequently want to take a particular tab from a window where I've got a billion tabs open, and pull that one tab out into a new window. Usually for one of two reasons- either I want to compare it side-by-side to something in another tab, or I want to start a new bunch of tabs centered around the one I want to pull into a new window.

And yes, I frequently either forget to open things in new windows, or more often only want it in a new window later. And a lot of times, the tab in question would take a long time to reload, and might not come back at all ( being my depressingly canonical example of this, although it's been better ever since we blocked cover image leeching).

Anyway, anyone know a browser that does this? And if it's Google Chrome I don't care because those jerks can't be bothered to support MacOS. So yes, Mac-friendly browsers only, please.

browser wars

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