Prop 8 insanity

Oct 19, 2008 16:26

So, everyone's probably heard about how suddenly Prop 8 (eliminate gay marriage) looks like it might pass. If you haven't given money to "No on 8" yet, first go do that :-) If for some reason you support Prop 8, why the fuck are you reading my LJ? If you don't know what Prop 8 is, you probably don't live in California so you can skip this :-)

But there's something that I never see mentioned that's been bugging me. Apparently, our great state requires only a simple majority vote to amend the constitution (and really, WTF is up with that? Other states require stuff like two legislative votes separated by a year plus a popular vote ratification). So... whether Prop 8 passes or fails, since it's likely to do so by a slim margin either way, aren't people just going to keep putting this on the ballot in every election until the margin is decisive? Does anyone know any reason why this *wouldn't* happen?

I mean, I'm still freaked out at the idea of this crap passing, but I'll feel a little bit better if I know that eventually, when the current trends towards gay rights tolerance continue far enough, it will get reversed.
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