New school, new town, new grit in my panties

Nov 19, 2008 23:14

Well. Ain't this shit-tastic? Moved, finally... sorta... everything's still in boxes, but, ah well. I'll put it up as I take it out to use it and shove it in a shelf somewhere.

For those of you who ignored me or whatever (Yeah, I hate you asshats, too. Burn in hell, motherfuckers...) I recently- as in, within the past week- moved from that hell hole of a home town out... THIS direction... and... got into school again. I hate school, really... but... after he left, I've been looking for any sort of distraction, be it three jobs, trying my hand at chasing girls, taking up cello, or trying to teach my sharkies how to do tricks (that last bit has yet to work out well).

I don't even remember the name of this place. I'm not really concerned. It's school and it's somewhere I can finish all this bullshit. Amazing how quickly something shoots up in value when you write "diploma" across the top in fancy shmancy letters, yeah? Like I need some piece of paper and blobs of ink to tell me I know how to do what I know how to do. Shit, man, all that time I spent in the hospitals while doctors vainly for three fucking years tried to save the other half of my sight? Yeah, I know how to do some stuff.


I'm almost out of ramen. I should probably go shopping... but I don't want to get lost on the way to the store.

Oh, yeah.

Got my own appartment. It's not big, just enough room to set up a television, aquarium, bed, and other necessities. Why, my own appartment when I could get a dorm for free, almost? 'cause I hate people. I really do.

Ever since we broke up, I guess I've missed him so much that I've taken up despising anything that breathes as a way to joke myself into thinking he's not really gone. God, I miss him. God... if there is a god... all the shit you've put me through, don't you think I deserve SOMETHING in return?! Damn, at least let ONE fucking email go through to him!

Fuck, I've gotta see him...

... I really need that asshat right now...

ohmygodi'mgonnastarve, fuck, new school, out of ramen, moving

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