Larxene got, among other thing,
this from me >D (And this one because it
amused the hell out of me) She's not into the whole valentine's shtick, but I'm in it for the fun, so while she sits there like a sexy lump on a hot motherfucking log, I'll shower her in goodies and she'll fucking like it. :P
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Comments 21
I honestly couldn't give two shits what you did in your spare time as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else, and as long as you're happy. I just felt like giving you a hard time 'cause you're TOO DAMN BUSY ALL THE TIME TO COME SEE US! D< *rant rant finger shake*
As for me~ Riku and I spent the day together~! Made him breakfast this morning and we just screwed around the house the rest of the day~
Yeah, you screwed around your house and MY house~! Swear to god, if my boy ever drags me away from licking icing off his mom to tell me "Uncle Demyx and Uncle Riku are in the bathroom dying!" I'm coming in there and joining in!
We were behaving ourselves! Well, as much as we can! We weren't having sex in there~! Just teasing each other a bit~
Yeah, well, me having to pull away from MY teasing to check up on YOUR teasing really didn't make my day~ >3
You owe me a horny Larxene for that~
Kidding. Mostly.
As for what's up with me, I had a wonderful honeymoon and an even better Valentine's Day. Besaid is lovely, and I did remember to bring sunscreen, so I'm not Aeris' favourite colour.
There's also something else that happened, but it's sort of a long story...
That's good to hear! I'm still pissed that you somehow got hitched before I did, ya bastard... but I suppose I'll live~ I've got the woman I love naked in my bed, so that's alright by me for right now! Where's Besaid?
Well, I did propose somewhat early, and with things being as they were, I nearly ran out of time and ability to wed her. Something about this Jack of Spades doesn't rub me right, either...
Besaid is a tiny little beach town on Spira. Have you met Rikku before? She's from Spira.
My lovely wife is doing homework for her classes, and is not naked, as far as I know.
No, I don't think I've ever seen it...
Hey, I proposed less than a few months after knowing her... and we've been engaged for a year now... almost. A few more weeks and that'll do it.
Spira? Heard of it, haven't been there... Larxene's naked. >D Mostly~ And she's feeding me cake... lady in the nude with a piece of cake. :D She's fucking amazing!
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