(no subject)

Dec 11, 2004 18:45

Name: Kirsten. K-man, and Nightlight
Birth date: Feburary 18
Zodiac: Aquarius
nationality: American

**who was the last person that**

Called you: Uh, my grandma
Saw you cry: Jen
Made you cry: Myself
You went to the mall: My Grandma
Yelled at you: Chris
Sent you an email: Uh, Jesus, I don't know

**HaVe YoU eVeR?**

Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes
Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc: No
Been to Florida: Live there
California: Yes
Hawaii: No
Mexico: Yes, sadly
Canada: Yes
Danced Naked: Yes
Had a dream about something really crazy, then it happens the next day: Yes
Had a mud bath: No
Wished you were the opposite sex: YES
What time is it now: 6:50 p.m

**WhIcH wOuLd yOu pReFeR**

apples or bananas: Apples
Blue or red: Red
Backstreet boys or n'sync: N'sync
Wal-Mart or Target: Target
Spring or Fall: Fall
Santa or Rudolph: Rudolph
High school or college: High school


Do Dreams tell the future? Sometimes
Has a dream ever told your future: Yes
What book are you reading now? Marilyn Manson's "The long hard road out of hell" biogrpahy
Nicknames: K-man and Nightlight
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'6"
pets: Chasey bo Basey
Siblings: Kori and Kyle
Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: No
Taken any illegal substances: Yes
Went out in public with your pjz.? Who hasn't?
Missed school b/c it was raining: No.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: Haha, no
Prank called someone: Yes

Shampoo?: Garnier Fructis
Soap: I don't really care
Summer/Winter: Winter
Lace or satin: Lace is cute, Satin is comfy


Cried: Yes
Cut your hair: No
Worn a skirt: Yes
Been mean: All the time, baby
Been sarcastic?: All the time, penis
Talked to someone you have a crush on: I've talked to my b/f
Hugged someone: Yes
Wished on a star: No...queer.
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Played Truth or Dare: No, but I should, I haven't played that in so long!
Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes
Spent time alone: Yes

**RaNdOm ThInGs**

Are you bored: A little
Are any of your buddies online?: Yes
Last movie you saw in theatres: Spongebob Squarepants
Last noise you heard: Misfits
What are you going to do after this: Uhh, eat.
Are you happy : Im content.
Are you talking to someone online: No
Superstitions: I believe in aliens
What is your full name: Kirsten Stephanie Brooks
Who named you: My dad
last time you showered: Hell if I know
what color pants do you have on right now: Jeans
what song are you listening to right now: Some Kind of Hate
If you could change your name what would it be: Lydia or Lorelai
Sleep with a stuffed animal: No
what's the stupidest thing you have ever done: Hmm. I don't know
What will your first daughter's name be: Lydia or Lorelai
Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
Scary or happy: Scary
On the phone or in person: In person
Lust or Love: Lust
What was the last thing that you said: Penis
whats right next to you: Some papers
What are the last 4 digits in your phone: What are the last 4 in YOURS?
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Hmm. UK
How's the weather right now: Cold
What did you do last night: Watched my uncle play guitar
how do you eat an Oreo?: I don't eat food.
What makes you happy: Porn
What makes you mad: No porn
What do you want to be when you grow up: In a porn
What are your future goals: To be in a porn
Favorite Food: Porn
Favorite girls perfume: Ode du Porn
favorite guy's cologne: Uhh axe
Do you like to dance: Only on sundays
fast or slow: Depends on what you're talking about here
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: No
Favorite clothes store/brand: No favorite store and/or brand
Glass half empty or half full: Half empty
Toilet Paper or Towel: ? Towel? May I say...What the hell?!
Over or Under: Over
Morning or Night Person: Night
Over Easy or Sunny Side Up Eggs: Ew.
Favorite place to relax: In the bath
Do you love your best friend(s): Of course, m'lord.
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