
Jun 19, 2024 17:05

So the Democrats proposed a Right to Contraception Act in a bid to point to Republicans and get them on the record that they will not enshrine rights to contraception in the law.

I’m of two minds of this.

First off I think it’s a cute political ploy to basically show that Republicans won’t fight for people’s rights.

...However that’s kinda obvious by now. If you think that Republicans fight for any rights besides corporate rights by now you’re probably living under a rock. So dunno really what that will do or how much it will really move the needle in any way.

You can’t really use this down the line when Republicans go anti-contraceptive to shame Republicans. It’s not like they follow any logic or sense of personal responsibility for their decisions. As soon as the party chooses to hate another group, they’ll just follow along blithely.

So there’s that part of it. Then there’s the darker part.

The thing is this is all it seems Democrats are willing to do. They have had several times in the 50 year history of Roe vs Wade to get this signed...and did nothing.

The more that I look at things over a longer timeline is that Democrats at least won’t vote to kill us...but they’re more than willing to step aside and let the monsters that want to kill us do so.

Democrats seem to be paid to whine and lose but not really do anything that will change the status quo and they seem to have no real long-term memory on what that status quo is.

They might be willing to celebrate that democracy won out in Florida and HRT is no longer banned for most trans people (Yes, even 80% of trans adults too), but they seem to forget that it was just banned two years ago! How was it allowed to be banned? Why wasn’t things put in place to not even allow that?

Here in TN the AG decided to sue Vanderbilt to turn over trans medical records. Vanderbilt rolled over like a dog and provided them instead of fighting it. Where was HIPAA? Wasn’t that federal law supposed to protect our medical records? Why didn’t the federal government step in?

Did anything happen? Yeah the Senate Finance Committee waggled their finger at Vanderbilt for giving up records so easily.

The problem is the AG, what’s being done about them? How come they cant’ get a punishment for violating federal law. I’m just talking about that, not even talking about the harassment caused by the AG getting that data.

As of last month the AG is suing to block federal guidelines for sex-based harassment. So basically keeping it legal to misgender, deny bathroom facilities, and harass trans people.

Are you seeing what I mean? The AG is a monster. We know this. But he gets no accountability and can defy federal standards at any point and no one holds him accountable.

Where’s Democrats in all this? What are they doing besides frowning at this and complaining. Where is the action?

This country just keeps on getting worse because there are bad faith actors that view profit as the only virtue and will use every trick in the book to make a few more pennies. Be it racism or any other form of bigotry. The ultimate plan is to turn people against one another while corporations have more time to rifle through our pockets. They attack a million different ways to harry and exhaust us, make basic living a crime, put everyone in emergency mode while in the back rooms they can lessen regulations against businesses, allow them to serve a shittier product while charging more.

I mean, fighting for your life is hard enough, you’re too exhausted or don’t have enough energy afterwards to get into the minutiae of business.

It takes more than whining and pointing to the Republicans and saying they aren’t playing fair to have any material change in this country. But unfortunately the Democrats aren’t dedicated to make that change. I’m sorry but I’ve played games with cheaters and it isn’t fun. Because there’s no way to catch all the way they’ve cheated and after a while of playing, it’s no longer fun.

It’s just so frustrating to see things consistently get worse for me and my community and it just seems like no one has any interest in stepping in and stopping it. Well no one that has any power anyways. Those that have power frown about it but really don’t do anything. And it kills me that while Republicans are allowed to have this little temper tantrum about trans people that legitimately costs lives they’re allowed to do it and not getting the spanking they deserve.

So while Democrats did get their chance to point their fingers about Republicans and laugh, it shows the corollary truth that most Democrat actions are performative and of no substance. The mirror shows in all directions.

You have to DO something to be a good person. It’s performative; takes action. Symbolic moves and actions that don’t follow through end up making no changes. If you really believe this, why didn’t you pass it when you had the power.

I’ll always vote for people that won’t kill me and mine but I do get hungry wanting action to actually take place. I think we all do.

...It’s just really sad that the political ally that has any real power to change anything is more ghost than person.

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