Aug 01, 2005 23:22
I haven't updated in awhile. So anyway, my day today.
I actually went running in the morning. At like 8. Waaay too early. Me and my mom (she powerwalked) went down to the school and I attempted to run the course and do a couple 200's. Sucked. Good thing the season's only 2 weeks away.
Then, I went to the orthodontist. YAY! And I had the retarded lady who can't put on wires if she was being held at gunpoint. So she kept basically resting her whole BODY weight (and believe me it was plenty) on my one tooth, and then yanking it around like she was gonna pull it the fuck out. And then of course, "oop's the thing broke. Sorry, we have to do it again." It hurt so damn bad. I was ready to cry. Or at least kill her.
Ok, happier things. I worked with Alan Zekoski today dishwashing. Stacy (our boss) threw away this huge glass wine jug, and he says "wanna go smash it?" And of course I was like, "Yeaahhh!"
The original plan was to light a match in the leftover alcohol and explode it, but then Stacy let me go home early so we decided to just smash it the classic way before I left.
So, we took it outside to the dumpster, and Alan's like "Throw it against that inside wall." And I did.
Well... the thing BOUNCED.
So it goes flying across the back parking lot and shatters into a million pieces, really, really loud. Oh man you should have seen the look on our faces. We go running inside, but apparently, no one heard it.
It was AWESOME. definetly the highlight of my week. And it's only Monday.
I just feel sorry for the poor bastard who runs over all that broken glass...