So it's been a year since I've posted here. I don't know if I'll start again. Mostly I've been saving my thoughts for the corporeality and intimacy of the printed page, and I like how that feels, how it feels less like I'm doing it to please others who might be reading, and how there's no backlash of feeling mildly disappointed if an important post gets no comments.
However, I've revived my graphics comm (
tinyorchestra)! So that's certainly something. It'll probably only be for the summer, since I'll be crazy busy come fall, but it feels great to be iconning again after so long. It's strange; I don't really know why I do it since literally only three people follow it and I have no idea how to expand that number so my work will actually be for something, but I still do. I've recently been reading through all the comms I used to follow here that I loved so much and since the majority are graphics comms, I've been inspired. It's really odd how being a spectator to something you enjoy makes you want to do the thing itself. Well, at least I think it's odd.
I started college since the last time I wrote, and I mostly really enjoy it. Over the summer I've been volunteering as a research assistant, working on various writing projects, and slowly giving up on the prospects of finding a paying job anytime soon. Oh, and
I self-published my novella! But things haven't been the easiest for me. Feeling more complex forms of happiness also means feeling more complex forms of sadness. Nothing's truly gone, just evolved. Someday it'll mean something, maybe even soon. Or maybe it won't, but that's alright too.
Since you probably won't see me around LJ much anymore, here's my
twitter and