Hurrah, using another awesome banner (
credit) from my hoard, so that alone should be a reason for happiness. Anyway.
1) You know those ads for missing kids they put on the back of those coupon magazines? Well, first of all, I want to say that no, I didn't actually see a missing kid. But anyway, the picture of the little girl they had was really blurry and grainy, and underneath it they'd put the caption 'Only photo available'. So I stared at that picture for, like, ten minutes trying to figure out why the parents never had better pictures of their kid. I mean, normally, don't parents take like a bazillion photos of their kids, for every imaginable occasion? And even if they don't, there have to be school photos, right? It's not that I'm accusing the parents of anything, I just think it's really strange. So I kept thinking and thinking about that picture, trying to figure it out. Maybe they had a phobia of cameras. Maybe they had had a lot of pictures, but there was a fire in that part of their house and everything burned. The question was just so consuming, I couldn't stop thinking about it for the longest time. See, now you're getting a first-hand look into the bizarreness of my mind.
2) Is there such a thing as selective misanthropism? Because I think I'm getting it. Crap. I dunno. Certain people I really just want to avoid now, something about them just repels me and I can't figure it out. They all seem to be people I've known for a while, that I was friends with before high school. I better not be turning weird and clique-y, because that would make me really mad. I don't usually care who I hang with, just so long as it's not that group of people.
3) I don't know if I want to write a script after all. There are so many holes in the formatting. The ScriptFrenzy site doesn't even tell you where to put character descriptions! And my whole story just sounds stupid when so much of it is in dialogue; there's just so much to explain left to stuff like voiceovers. But then again, I just it makes everything more mysterious with less explanations. I don't know. Can somebody please remotivate me into writing a script? I really do want to do it. Please?
4) Okay, I have to start reading Dickens. Namely, David Copperfield, Little Dorrit, and A Tale of Two Cities.
5) And oh my, isn't this word wonderful?
Lurid, adj. [Lat. luridus, ghastly] 1. Glowing through a haze, as of flames through smoke. 2. Shocking, sensational.
So my lurid fantasies really would be lurid in every sense! Unlike those people whose fantasies can only lamely cover sense two. Ha.
Anyway. Off to hopefully watch Heroes.