Here we go again. In this update all children of Mona and Damian are finally teens now, so it's time for the heir poll then. And I will play university only with the heir because I don't know, I just want to do it that way, lol. Have fun!
We start this update with a picture of Beth. There will be more of them at the end of the update. :)
The family has always some money from this purple guy (don't know that word atm x)) for bad times, heh.
These boots aren't made for walking.
The first time I use this object, but I'm not very impressed. I think it takes time to be better on that thing?
Mona's is the only one who dances in this house and she can't do it well. :s
Kryk is still alive! :D
Rebecca spends the mornings before school with some hobbies.
"There still isn't a master fallen down from heaven". Typical saying here. :ö
Kryk is alone when everyone is off to work or school. :(
And the teens have some friends now, finally. And they need a lot, Joshua wants 50 first dates. x)
Some chatting.
And some games for little children. :D
One thing that annoys me a lot is that sims still sleep in other sims' beds and never in their own. :/
I need to sell that thing, it annoys me even more. >.>
Joshua trains himself everyday ('cause you need to be pretty to get so much dates, lol).
And then this shit happened. Thanks to ACR btw! :)
I can understand Damian very well. :/
And I think Mona is like "Oh Damian, forgive me. It wasn't me, it was ACR". :D
And good the kids don't know about this. .)
And here's the last addition for this generation ...
... Percy! :D (thanks to Slyndsey for the name again)
I think that hurts? x)
This stalker lady again.
Love, pure love!
Oh, and they also got this garden. I'm proud of it, I just love it. :)
Beth really had to try out the new slide. :D
I can't get them to make kitten. :/
They just have a catlike woohoo, but there's never a jingle. :(
> Beth's room
Enjoying the last days of summer in the new garden.
I totally forgot that Damian had a golden badge in gardening because he was this garden club guy. :D
Still not a champion.
And Mona is still sorry about that "accident". :(
And Damian still angry? :D
I've just noticed this is the same boy Mona went to bed with, hah. x)
The boy is like me, lol. Mean cheater!
And then some love. :)
Rebecca became the first Holloway to have a boyfriend. :D
I think you can see enough details in these leafs without the telescope, Mona. x)
And I totally forgot Beth's birthday, so she had to age up in the garden. :s
Here she is (with stupid EA clothing taste).
I gave her a more childish style, because I think it fits to here. I rolled all the (second) aspirations for the kids and there are some interesting mixes. Beth has family as her main aspiration and she's also another Natasha Una. She just loves grilled cheese. And she has also a very weird LTW: she wants to become a general and here hobby is sports, too. So this matches perfectly. :P
Here are both girls together. Rebecca has a very different personality. She's a romance sim with some interests in the world of science (so she has knowledge as her second aspiration). Her hobby is music & dance and her lifetime wish is to become professionel party guest / reach top of the slacker career.
And at least here's Joshua with his twin sister. Joshua is a pleasure sim with a popularity aspiration as second aspiration. He has the (impossible) LTW to have 50 first dates (I mentioned it a lot of times before so you should know it perfectly :P). It would be fun to see how he manages that, but with enjoying fitness it must be possible somehow, right?