hmm yesterday and today in a NUTSHELL

Aug 01, 2004 21:30

yesterday.... woke up early because i broke my phone (the sim card died)and i was really worried so i couldnt sleep until i told my mom what happened.. so i did and then shelby called me and we went to the mall bought clothes.... and Micky D's and saw a hottie :o)...then my mom picked us up... took us to my house where there was a party with my family... and well i introduced shelby to 70% of my family... and we chilled at my house for a while... then we went to Ultimate Electronics (thats where i got my phone) and the guy's like you need to go to ATT so i had to go to the ATT store and then this nice lady gave me a new sim card and fixed my phone and i was happy... then we went to anisa's bando person concert performance BBQ... ((FREE FOOD)) and me and shelby ate and talked to STACEY!! and some other cool bandOs.... then shelby came back to my house with me and talked my dad into letting me go sleepover at her house and go to the lake and well my dad was like ehhh OKAY... so yeah... then i went over to shelby's house where us hotties walked around her neighborhood.... then i talked MATTHEW LEE into coming over to shelby's house so i could meet him and so shelby could be happy so matthew and brandon came over and chillaxed till late... and well yeah then me and shelby hit the hay and yeah slept...

today.... shelby's LAME alarm clock goes off at 9 and i'm like I DONT WANT TO WAKE UP AND GO TO CHURCH... and with my luck my daddy called and was like we're not going to church so you can just stay at shelby's till you leave for the lake... so me and shelby slept a while longer and then... WENT TO THE LAKE!! and had a blast tubing and good stuff like that! it was soo cold but soo much fun!! i  <3 my shelby! then we went back to her house, i got picked up and now i'm home.... and clean... YAY

i'm out kids
<333 emiliA

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