May 13, 2005 16:20

This has been one of the more interesting weeks in my life. I'm not really gonna go into much detail on some subjects...but ya know, it's times like these when i'm thankful to have such incredible friends that I love more than anything in the world. I realize, that pretty much i've been stressed out and flipping out for a few days, I think it's just because every little thing that hits me, makes me go completely insane. I think it's just because i'm so worried about how my life is balanced as it is right now, and any little thing can overthrow that balance, and then I get worried. I've also noticed that recently in my friend's lives, the drama has been through the roof, it's like living in a soap opera sometimes. Who's going out with who, who is ######## over's just like...i don't know...I know sometimes that people really are upset about things, and i'm not talking to any one particular person, but it seems to me that you should try and be happy about things. I know that i'm not happy some of the time, but it's okay cause I know that I have people who can pull me right back onto my feet again, and I jsut want everyone to know that I can do that for them if they ever need it.

Reilly I don't know what has been upsetting you lately hun, and I kinda feel like it's not my place to interfere and ask what's been going on, just because I know if you wanted me to know then you would tell me, but it breaks my heart to know that something isn't right in ol' reilly-land. I really hope that you solve your problems soon dear.

I just felt like I needed to say that, because otherwise it would bug me. The school year is almost over...I know i've mentioned that like 1234o23958098095 (ha, there's even a letter O in there.) times. it's just like, unbelievable that things can go this fast. I was thinking yesterday, if it was gonna be hard, to keep in touch with my friends that are a year older, and going to a different school next year, and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be. Cause, if we hardly see each other in school anyway, then we obviously must have some other force that's keeping us together. hey, look another friend rant.

D You are quite possibly the sweetest human being to ever walk the earth. I swear this kid is amazing, and picks me up when i'm completely down. I got your text message, and it was the best thing ever, completely made my day. It's just little things, when your friends send you messages that say "have a nice day :)" that make living worth while.

Lately, i've been considering how I can possibly get all this tension off of my back, and get my dad to trust me. I mean, he's a nice guy and he does things for me (like today, when he got me the rolling stones tickets!!! *cries happy tears*) But, I don't think he knows what's best for me. And I think that's reflecting a lot on how i've become closer to my 10 year old brother's just how we can relate on the same level of how dad treats us sometimes, that and how ben just teases relentlessly, which can wear a hole in your soul eventually. I am almost finished writing I swear.

Alex You need one of these too buddy! with all the words that I know, I don't think that I can describe how good you make me feel. and I've come to a point, where I don't think I can picture myself without you. I love you

k go outside and play, cause you must have gained 100 pounds from sitting on your ass just reading this.
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