I am soooo fucked.

Apr 25, 2005 15:45

So i get home today, and I find a note for me, here are some highlights from it.

My cell phone bill was $400 this month

Dad is making the cell phone a "communal" cell phone, meaning used for ben me and jimmy, which is COMPLETE bullshit because he knows very well that they dont' even need one.

he says that i'm forbidden from ever calling ANYONE from him or mom on the phone again. no friends, ever.

NO text messaging.

He left a message on alex's phone. and told him not to call my cell anymore. which is also complete Bull, and until we talk, I can't see him anymore (as far as he knows...)

and he said he was DISTURBED about Alex's message saying Leave a hot and dirty message? that was his brother.

he even called alex's MOM to tell him not to call my cell.

aaand to top it all off, I have to clean my room or no sting concert on wednesday.

Okay, my feelings about this? the only reason my cell phone bill was so damn high was because of SPRING BREAK, and I swear if he could have been away for a week he would have done the same damn thing...what the hell would you do, if you were alone, and you had no one else around, and fucking lonely out of your mind??? CALLED YOUR BOYFRIEND THAT'S WHAT.  As for taking the phone away and giving it to ben and jimmy that is fucking retarded. ben and jimmy never go ANYWHERE and that is complete bullshit, I cannot even begin to say what that is.  he's doing that just to spite me! just to make me even more fucking pissed off than I already am!!!!!! Oh, so now I can't call my friends anymore? i'm away for a week, and rack up the minutes--so now i'm forbidden from contacting my friends? WHAT THE HELL??? I don't even wanna talk about the rest of it. seriously dad...that's low...
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