I Am Aware, Now (NC-17)

Feb 08, 2011 21:36

Title:I Am Aware, Now
Written as part of the kurt_blaine KissKiss exchange, for rainbow_gleek
Author: Oddreigh
Warnings:Here there be smut. Also, wildly out of character song selections.
Word Count: 5340
Summary: When Kurt overhears Blaine talking to his new roommate, he doesn’t like what he hears.

It was late Friday morning when Kurt made his way to Blaine’s room and found his hand frozen in space before he could knock. “So, you got someone?” An unfamiliar voice was just audible through the thin dorm room door. “Girlfriend? Boyfriend?” ”New roommate,” Kurt thought to himself. Some transfer student, he’d heard, whose parents had found in possession of more drugs than previously thought to be found in all of Ohio.

“Girlfriend, no. Boyfriend…” Blaine trailed off. “Yeah, I think you could say that.” Kurt couldn’t see Blaine, but he didn’t need to see him to know that Blaine was cocking his head to the side a bit and giving his new roommate what Kurt had come to think of as his Gay Yoda face. “Is my being gay going to be an issue with us being roommates?”

“Nah, man. You’re kinda’ good looking in kind of a Clark Kent without his glasses sort of way, but my boo’s the hottest piece of ass in the state. I fully intend on sneaking him into the room whenever he can make the drive. Hope that’s not a problem for you.”

Blaine gave a small laugh. “Just be careful of the room checks, don’t use my bed, and try to give me a little warning, okay?”

“Will do,” Blaine’s roommate chuckled, and Kurt smelled the unmistakable scent of Doritos as he continued to talk around a full mouth. “So your babe, what’s he like?”

“He’s just…amazing.” Blaine’s voice from the other side of the door was low and wistful, and it was all Kurt could do not to lean into the door for a better listen. “He’s gorgeous, for one thing. His hands are amazing. So are his arms. Lean and toned and just,” Blaine gave a low grunt through his teeth, “hot. He’s really, really hot. He’s so passionate, too. His eyes just burn into you, and when he wants something, no one can stop him from getting it. He’s like, the strongest person I’ve ever known.”

Kurt looked at his own hands, so pale and thin, and felt his heart sink. He was in pretty decent shape, but there was no way he could compete with this guy Blaine had obviously been keeping from him. When Blaine described him as “strong,” Kurt felt his heart begin to break a little. If Blaine couldn’t even tell him he had a boyfriend, how weak must he think Kurt was? Kurt was doing his best to not think about this too hard when the killing blow was landed.

“I’ve never felt like this about someone before, I always thought of myself as a protector, but when I’m with him, I finally feel like there’s someone watching out for me, for a change.”

Kurt winced. More than anything, he wanted to turn and run, but he knew that doing that would only mean someone would go to Blaine later and ask why he’d been in such a hurry to leave. Gritting his teeth and doing his best to look calm, Kurt deliberately knocked on the door and barely had time to finish when the door was flung open by a greasy redhead in a blazer that looked surprisingly filthy for someone who’d only been at the school for less than a week.

“Kurt, hey,” Blaine stammered from his place on his bed, his cheeks a little pink

“Blaine, hi.” Kurt clutched tightly to the strap of his school bag, his fingers twisting it as their only means of working out the awkwardness he currently felt. “I was just wondering if you were still interested in coming home with me for my birthday this weekend. Nothing special planned, but you said you wanted to come, when I mentioned it last week.”

“Yeah, sure,” Blaine said, shooting his roommate an uncomfortable glance. “Meet you at your room at dinner time?”

“Of course,” Kurt nodded as he began to back out of the room. “See you then.”

As he closed the door, Blaine’s voice was just barely loud enough to be heard. “Thanks for not saying anything to Kurt about what I was just saying. I kind of owe you one.”


Friday, after Warblers practice, Kurt followed David and Wes to the senior common room. Sophomores weren’t usually supposed to be in there, but the rules were a little bit more relaxed on the weekends, and Kurt had questions that needed answering before embarking on a weekend with Blaine away from the confines of Dalton’s halls.

“So,” Kurt said in what he hoped was a breezy and casual tone, “did you know Blaine had a boyfriend?”

Wes flashed David a look and grinned. “You’re kidding. Right, Kurt?”

“No,” Kurt said, stiffening “Is this common knowledge?”

David nodded, and Kurt was thankful that he at least appeared to be trying to rein his laughter in. “Man, I thought everyone knew about that.”

“So…this guy Blaine’s seeing? He must be pretty great, right?” Kurt shifted from one foot to the other, not wanting to look like he cared too much, but unable to pretend he didn’t care at all.

“Actually,” Wes muttered, “he’s really not that bright. He’s kind of the type that could have a flashing sign in front of his face, and he’d still need an engraved invitation to tell him where to go.”

“Yeah, but so is Blaine,” David said from his spot on the floor “so they’re a good match, in that respect. He’s also needlessly insecure and covers it up with too much bravado, which gets kind of annoying.”

Kurt wrapped his arms around himself a little more tightly and tried his best to appear blasé. “Then what does he see in him?”

“His ass, apparently, since he’s been known to mention once or twice a day how it’s the most perfect one he’s ever seen. That, and his eyes, his smile, his hair, his laugh, his voice, and pretty much everything about him, including his, and I quote, ‘tantalizingly large feet.’” David rolled his eyes at this last part, and Wes gave a bit of a shudder.

Kurt couldn’t keep the incredulity off of his face. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Wish we were, Kurt. Blaine’s a lot more fun to be around when he’s not lovesick. I don’t really like thinking about another guy’s junk, either, and it’s kind of hard not to when Blaine goes off on the foot thing. It’s not a gay thing,” Wes said, doing his best to appear diplomatic “it’s just that it kind of makes it hard to look a guy in the eye when you can’t get your friend’s musing on their uh, feet out of your head.”

Kurt didn’t think he could handle much more of this. He rocked a little on his heels and began to head out of the room. “Maybe,” he said, pausing at the doorway “it’d be better if he was dating someone who actually met with his friends’ approval?” Kurt didn’t have a lot of hope left, but he was grasping where he saw the straws.

“Oh, we didn’t say we didn’t approve,” David chimed in happily. “We think the guy’s great. He’s just a little dim at times.”


An hour later, Kurt sat on the edge of his bed and waited for Blaine to show up. Before yesterday, the thought of spending the two hour drive to Lima alone with Blaine would have made him happier than leaked photos of Dolce & Gabanna’s next collection. Now, he just felt vaguely sick, and more than a little defeated. He hadn’t expected that Blaine liked him the same way he liked Blaine, but he had thought that being friends would include something like telling each other if one had a boyfriend. If Blaine hadn’t told him, there had to be a reason, and Kurt wasn’t too excited to find out what it was.

“Knock knock?” Blaine’s voice broke through the room as he pushed the half-closed door a little more open and made his way inside. “Ready to hit the road, birthday boy?”

“Sure,” Kurt nodded, grabbing his bags as he rose from the bed. “I’m driving,” he said, grabbing his keys. Driving, at least, would give him something else to focus on.

As they made their way to Kurt’s car, Blaine made what had to be his hundredth remark about how Kurt must secretly be a drug lord to get away with driving such a blinged out Navigator, and Kurt felt himself groan inwardly. A few days ago, he’d have thought Blaine was flirting. Now, he knew Blaine was really making fun of him. ”His boyfriend probably drives something nice and average, like a Jetta. Stupid boyfriend. Stupid Blaine. Stupid me for not catching on sooner…”

“Can I put it in?”

Blaine’s voice cut through his inner monologue of self-loathing, and Kurt had to work for a second to regain his composure. “What? Put what where?”

“The CD,” Blaine said, holding up a CD with his unmistakable scrawl covering the lower half. “Can I put it in the stereo? I just finished it last night. I kind of made it for someone special, and I want to make sure it’s not terrible before I give it to them.”

Without saying a word, Kurt took the CD from Blaine’s hand and shoved it roughly into the stereo. Seconds later, a tinny drumbeat and jangly guitar began to pour from the speakers, and Melissa Etheridge’s voice filled the car. It wasn’t a song Kurt was really familiar with, but it seemed pretty intense. Something about wanting, and tasting, and how if the angels knew this person, they’d want them, too. ”Great,” Kurt thought to himself. ”He won’t tell me he has a boyfriend, but he’ll make me serve as test audience for their makeout music. How delightful.”

The rest of the CD wasn’t much better. Elton John sang about how he hoped Blaine’s boyfriend didn’t mind if he put down in words how beautiful life was, not he was in the world. Madonna said she would always cherish him. Alanis Morissette said that she loved him, for all that he was.

It just got worse from there. Every so often, Blaine would give him a look, like he expected Kurt to say something, but what could he say? “Shove your horrible taste in music and men out the window and please don’t speak to me again?” That would make the rest of the weekend kind of awkward. After the weekend was done, Kurt could tell Blaine he didn’t think he could be friends with someone who didn’t trust him enough to tell him he was seeing someone, but for now, he’d do his best to get along and not explode. By the time the disc ended with David Bowie singing about kings and queens, Kurt was just about to throw the disc out the window, and probably would have, if they weren’t pulling up to his house at the time.

“So, what do you think?” Blaine asked, as Kurt hit the eject button and yanked the disc out of the stereo. “Oh, you can keep it, if you want,” he said, that infuriatingly sweet smile on his face.

“No, thanks,” Kurt said, handing it back to him. “It’s clear you made it for someone special, so you should keep it between the two of you, I think.” He quickly shut off the ignition and jumped out before Blaine had a chance to respond. He ran around to the back of his Navigator and popped the back to retrieve his bags before Blaine could even get out of the car.

“Kurt-“ Blaine called after him, reaching for his own bag from behind the seat.

“Sorry, Blaine. They’re probably wondering what’s keeping us.” Kurt slammed the back of the car shut, and did his best to rush ahead of Blaine, despite the weight of his bags slowing him down. He fumbled for his house key, only to have the closure of his keychain slide open for the third time that week. “Damn it,” he muttered, as Blaine bent over to help him gather the spilled keys from the front step.

“Does that happen a lot?” Blaine asked, as he handed Kurt two keys. “I know I’ve seen it before.”

Kurt nodded, holding up the small gold tag. “Yeah; this little tube screws it shut, but the treads are wearing down, and it keeps coming loose. I know I should just get a new one, but I can’t seem to find one good enough to take its place. Plus, it was my Mom’s, and it’s kind of special.” A strange look crossed over Blaine’s face, and Kurt felt himself growing more uncomfortable. “You probably didn’t need to know that last part. Sorry.”

“No,” Blaine started, “it’s fine. I’m glad you told me.” He straightened himself quickly, tightening the strap of his bag over his shoulder. “Do you want me to take one of those bags, so you can get the door?”

It took Kurt a moment to realize that yes, they were still standing on his front porch, and no, he hadn’t unlocked the door yet. “I’ve got it, let’s just get in and get settled for the night, okay?” Fumbling with the pile of keys in his hands, he pulled out the correct one and slid it into the door, shoving the rest into his pocket with the other hand. He was just thinking to himself about how quickly he could get through dinner and make an excuse that would let him retire to his room early when he heard the shouts and laughter.

The living room was full of balloons and streamers, and Mercedes was rushing toward him. Birthday wishes were being screamed by everyone from New Directions, plus his dad and Carole, and Blaine’s hands were on his shoulders, rocking him back and forth slightly, a smile on his face. “Let me get those,” he said, sliding Kurt’s bags off of his shoulders and draping them over his own. “Finn, care to show me where I can put these?” Finn gave a smile, and nodded as he waved Blaine over to follow him. Kurt was still processing everything as Mercedes enveloped him in a warm hug, and it wasn’t until Rachel stepped forward with a plate of cookies that he was able to talk.

“Why are you giving me ‘I’m Sorry’ cookies, Rachel?”

“They’re not ‘I’m Sorry’ cookies. They’re ‘Happy Birthday’ cookies, and I only make them for very special people, since they aren’t vegan and it takes a lot to make me abandon my principles for the pleasure of others.” She stood on tiptoe to give him a small kiss on the cheek, and he returned it with one on the top of her head as he took the plate from her.

“Thanks, Rachel. I’m sure they’re great.” He put the plate down on the coffee table, slapping Puck and Sam’s hands away from them. “Mine,” Kurt said sharply “and don’t forget it.” Mike tried to slip one away, but Tina grabbed him around the waist and pulled him away for a dance.

The rest of the night went by in a bit of a blur. There was dancing, and singing, of course, and one very brief game of “Never Have I Ever” that ended after ten questions, with Santana, Puck, and Brittany all losing in a tie, with Kurt and Mercedes tied for the win. Eventually, it was time for the cake and presents. Mostly things like books and movies and gift cards, but there was also a really nice hand-made journal with a raw silk cover from Tina, a frame reading “best friends” holding a picture of him and Mercedes at his Dad and Carole’s wedding, a leather wallet from Finn, and, surprisingly enough, a studded leather cuff bracelet from Puck. “It’s kind of hardcore, but you’re tougher than most people give you credit for, so I thought you could make it work.”

He knew he should have tried to ignore it, but he couldn’t help but focus on how Blaine was the only one not to offer him at least a card.

Finally, the party began to wind down, and as the last of the guests left, Kurt prepared to make his excuses and head to bed. His dad and Carole were cleaning up in the kitchen, Finn had gone to drive Rachel home, so that left Blaine, and Kurt couldn’t seem to find him. He checked the kitchen, the bathrooms, the den, even the garage and basement, but Blaine wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Annoyed, he pulled out his phone and began to text him.

Where are you? I’ve looked all over the house, but you appear to have vanished, unless you’re hiding in Finn’s room.

A minute later, his phone beeped in response.

Not Finn’s. In yours.

Kurt threw his head back in frustration and screwed his eyes shut. Of all the places for Blaine to take roost, why did it have to be his room? Great. Now, he’d have to keep up the façade even longer, and figure out a gentlemanly way to throw him out, on top of everything else.


Kurt took a deep breath as he turned the knob of his bedroom door and let himself in. Blaine was sitting primly in the middle of his bed, his hands wrapped around a small box in his lap. He’d been looking downward, but raised his eyes to meet Kurt’s as he entered, and Kurt felt a pang as he realized how downcast Blaine’s expression was. “Have you been here long?” Kurt asked, mainly because he didn’t know what else to say.

“About an hour, I think. I left about halfway through opening your presents. I don’t think many people noticed.” He paused for a moment. “You didn’t.”

Kurt felt bad, in spite of himself. He was the injured party here, wasn’t he? Blaine had every right to date whoever he wanted, no matter how horrible they had to be, but Kurt had the right to know about it, didn’t he? He couldn’t just keep something that big from him, and expect him not to find out, or be hurt once he did. “I’m sorry,” he said. “There was just so much going on, and I haven’t seen everyone in weeks, and I just…got distracted, I suppose.” His arms were wrapped around himself, and he knew it was the pose he always made when he was being defensive, but he couldn’t help it. He was hurt, and he resented feeling like he had to push that aside to spare Blaine’s feelings.

“I…” Blaine started, but trailed off, biting his lip. “I got this for you, but I don’t know if I should give it to you, now.” His whole body seemed to slump, and after a moment, he extended his arm, the box hanging limply from one hand. “Take it. It’s not like I can return it, anyway.”

Kurt gingerly took the box from Blaine’s hand and gave it a glance. The robin’s egg blue shade and white ribbon hadn’t really registered while Blaine had been cradling it in his hands, and Kurt didn’t really know what else he could do but open it. He slowly slid the ribbon off, and his heart caught in his throat as he lifted the box’s lid and found a small, silver key ring resting on a bed of cotton. He lifted the tiny silver key, running his finger over the KEH engraved in its center, and looked Blaine in the eye. “It’s beautiful, Blaine. Thank you.” He placed the key ring back in the box, and felt something rough beneath the cotton. Pushing it aside, he found a familiar-looking key resting on the bottom of the box. “How did you get a copy of my room key?”

Blaine looked away and clasped his hands. “It’s not your room key, Kurt. It’s mine.” He sighed. “I kind of thought…it’s stupid.”

Confused, Kurt placed the box on his desk and sat beside Blaine. “What’s stupid? Why did you give me a copy of your key?”

Blaine balled his fists on his knees and forced himself to look at Kurt. “I thought you liked me, Kurt. I thought there was something between us, but I know I was wrong, and I just feel really, really stupid, okay? You clearly hated the CD I made for you, and you’ve been acting like I have the plague all day, and you didn’t even notice that I left your party. Not to mention that I got you a really inappropriate gift.”


“I didn’t know your keychain was special, Kurt. I thought it was just one you liked, but hadn’t had time to replace. Getting you a new one after finding out yours belonged to your mom just feels presumptuous.” Blaine gave a snort and rolled his eyes. “Not half as presumptuous as giving you my room key, though.”

“But…” Kurt whispered. “I thought you had a boyfriend, Blaine. I heard you talking to your roommate.”

Blaine looked up in shock. “I was talking about you, Kurt. That’s why I was so embarrassed when you showed up. I knew Brett would be able to tell who you were.” Blaine lifted a hand to cup Kurt’s cheek. “How could he not?”

“But Wes and David said-“

“Wes and David are a pair of clowns who’ve been giving me grief since the day we met, Kurt.”

“But…you said he was strong, and had amazing hands, and…” Kurt’s head was swimming with this revelation, and he wasn’t really sure what to do or say.

“Have you ever looked at yourself, Kurt? Your hands,” Blaine’s free hand took one of Kurt’s, and Kurt felt a jolt rush through him as Blaine traced his fingers along its lines. “Your hands are amazing. They’re like, the most amazing hands I’ve ever seen. They’re so delicate, but so strong, like the wings of a bird. Equally graceful whether they’re tying a scarf around your neck or changing a tire, and the arms they’re connected to…” Blaine bent down, and placed a kiss on the smooth flesh of Kurt’s wrist, “are every bit as fascinating.”

Kurt felt his heart begin to race, and he blinked his eyes as he shook his head. “But I’m not- you take care of me, Blaine. Not the other way around.”

“I thought that too, at first, Kurt. I was wrong. That day with Karofsky? You don’t know how it looked when you threw him off of me. I’m pretty sure you could have broken his neck, if you’d tried. It’s not only that, though. You let me be who I really am, without any pressure to be anything I’m not. No one’s ever made me feel like that, before.” Blaine gave a sad smile and leaned forward a little as he began to sing the Alanis Morissette song from that awful CD that was beginning to seem a little less awful every second. “You’re so much braver than I gave you credit for. That’s not lip service.” Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt’s hand and brought it to his lips before he continued, skipping lines and verses to suit himself. “Don’t be surprised if I love you for all that you are. I couldn’t help it, it’s all your fault….I’ve never felt this healthy before. I’ve never wanted something rational. I am aware now. I am aware now….”

Blaine’s eyes bore into his so hard that Kurt had to close his, and before Kurt knew what was happening, Blaine’s lips were on his and his hands were grasping Kurt’s hips tightly, pulling Kurt to face him. Without thinking, Kurt’s arms flew around Blaine’s neck, drawing him closer. Blaine’s mouth opened, gasping slightly as his tongue parted Kurt’s lips and ran itself lightly along Kurt’s teeth before flicking softly against Kurt’s own tongue. Kurt choked a bit on his breath, and Blaine’s lips left his, only to find new homes on his cheek, jaw, and finally, his neck.

Blaine’s breath was hot on Kurt’s neck as he ran the inside of his lower lip along the curve of his skin, groaning slightly as he got closer and closer to Kurt’s ear. “Give me joy, my boy. I will always cherish you,” he half-sang, half-moaned into his ear as he draped a leg across Kurt’s thighs and began to maneuver Kurt onto his back, with himself on top. It only took a second for Kurt’s eyes to widen with the realization that this was really happening. Blaine was really kissing him and caressing him and groping him in ways he hadn’t even dared to dream before, and he was doing so with a very obvious boner. Every bit as obvious, he knew, as the one he had, himself.

The one that Blaine’s hand had just begun to cup.

Kurt’s chest heaved as Blaine’s hand pressed against him and his mouth tugged at Kurt’s ear. “We could be heroes, ‘cause we’re lovers, and that is that,” Blaine growled into his ear, and Kurt couldn’t even bring himself to correct the lyrics before Blaine’s mouth crashed upon his again. Their tongues stroked each other as Blaine stroked him, and just when Kurt thought he couldn’t possibly take any more, he felt Blaine’s hands at his belt. “Yes, we’re lovers; and that’s a fact.” As if on instinct, Kurt lifted his hips, and Blaine pulled off his pants and threw them to the floor. One hand pushing Kurt’s shirt up to his chest, the other tenderly stroking Kurt’s right thigh, Blaine positioned his head just above Kurt’s hips, his breath ghosting over Kurt’s erection, and lifted his eyes to meet Kurt’s.

“I’ve crept into your temple, I have slept upon your pew. I’ve dreamed of the divinity inside and out of you. I want it more than truth, I can taste it on my breath. I would give my life just for a little death.” Blaine’s voice was low, his breath tight and ragged as the words escaped his lips. Kurt gave a small nod of consent, his ability to make any sound more advanced than gasps and groans somehow disabled, and jerked his hips as he felt Blaine’s lips place a soft kiss at the tip of his shaft. Kurt watched as Blaine’s tongue lightly lapped at the pre-come escaping Kurt’s cock, and ran it along his lips. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Blaine murmured, just before he took Kurt’s cock completely into his mouth and began to massage it with his tongue.

It didn’t take long for Blaine to bring Kurt to climax, and as he crawled up Kurt’s torso, his face was full of self-satisfaction. “You,” he said in a husky voice, “taste incredible,” before diving into Kurt’s mouth for a deep kiss. Kurt felt like his brain was going to explode when he realized that the sharp, salty change in how Blaine’s mouth now tasted was from his own come, and he felt himself begin to grow hard again. “Easy tiger,” Blaine laughed. “There’s plenty of time for more, once we’re out of parental earshot.” He wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and laid his head on Kurt’s chest.

Kurt gave a low hum and traced Blaine’s ribs through the fabric of his shirt. A sudden thought popped into his head, and he bent his head to give Blaine a quizzical look. “Wait, you just got a new roommate. How much do you think will be able to happen in your room, with him there, especially if he’s sneaking his boyfriend in?”

Blaine grinned. “I may have let it slip to the dean this morning that Brett’s got a boyfriend, knowing the administration wouldn’t be in a big rush to have two gay teenagers sharing a room. They weren’t about to let him have a room to himself, given his reasons for transferring, so they looked at how close to the top of the waiting list I was, and decided to switch me with the only student currently in a single for non-allergy reasons. I may have bribed him to lie and say he lost his key when he was moving, in order to get an extra.”

“Blaine Anderson, you never cease to amaze me.” Kurt stretched his neck to kiss Blaine’s lips, and had just managed to undo the top two buttons of Blaine’s shirt when he grabbed his wrist and began to pull away.

“Much as I’d really, really love to stay here, I think it might be for the best if I head for the den. If I stay here much longer…” he trailed off, “I think it could get loud enough to get your parents’ attention.” He shifted his weight so he was lying hip to hip with Kurt, and lowered his head to give Kurt one more soft kiss before he rose from the bed and began to straighten himself out.

“Blaine?” Kurt called from his bed as Blaine began to shut the door behind him.

“Yes, Kurt?”

“Does this mean I can keep that key, and put it to good use?” Kurt’s lips twisted into a smirk.

Blaine ran back to give Kurt another deep kiss, and broke away with a grunt. “Not only does it mean you can, it means I expect you to. Often.” He smiled as he backed away and out of the room. His hand was on the doorknob as he bit his lip for a second and gave Kurt a devilish grin. “Oh, and I thought I should let you know…it’s in kind of a lousy location - surrounded on all sides by things like the laundry room, supply closets, you know, really isolated and kind of noisy. You may want to rely on that key, because I don’t know that I’ll be able to hear you through the door. Or vice-versa.”

Blaine gave him a wink as he shut the door, and Kurt fell back against his pillows. After a moment, he climbed out of bed just long enough to put his clothes away and put on some pajamas, and as he picked up his pants, he felt the mass of keys jangling in the pocket. Tossing them onto his bed, he picked up the Tiffany box and plucked out the contents before he set upon placing all of his keys on the silver trinket. It may not have been his mom’s, but somehow, Kurt thought, he wouldn’t mind keeping it around.

Highest rating preffered: NC-17
Prompt(s) used: 3. Blaine is falling madly in love with Kurt, who quickly realizes Blaine is into someone. Kurt, however, has no idea it's him. After a long day of terrified hints, Blaine finally has the courage to tell him and smut ensues.


rating: nc-17, prompt fill

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