Stupid, Sexy Blaine

Jan 09, 2012 14:25

Title: Stupid, Sexy Blaine
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,100
Summary: Moving in together always brings surprises.
Notes: This was the first part of an idea for a fic I was going to write with aelora after we began to RP Kurt and Blaine this summer. We both ended up moving on to other projects, but I think this can stand alone without the things that were intended to come after. :> Does not follow canon after season two.

The first time Kurt became aware of it was the day they moved into their new apartment.

They’d spent the entire day making trips up and down the block, hauling furniture and boxes from the U-Haul to their building and wrestling them into the freight elevator, then down the hall to the apartment. That they’d be sharing. With each other. Okay, so they’d also be sharing it with Rachel Berry, but she was going to have her own room. They would not, because they were sharing. a. room. with. each. other. Did they mention they’d be sharing? They were totally sharing.

Anyway, back to the moment Kurt became aware of it.

They’d just finished getting the bedroom furniture into their new room (that they’d be sharing, in case that wasn’t clear, yet), and Blaine had begun work on assembling the bed frame. “That’s it,” Blaine had said, doing his best to hold up the massive headboard as he began to fit the railings into place. “We’re living here forever.”

“I think ‘forever’ might be pushing it a bit, don’t you?” Kurt asked. “I love Rachel, but I don’t think I could really handle living with her forever.”

“She can leave. We’ll stay. All I know is that I am never moving this stuff again. Whose idea was it to have all oak in the bedroom, anyway?” Blaine leaned against the wall, and the summer sun filtering in through the window caught him just so. Kurt had been too busy trying not to drop anything while they were moving everything into the apartment, but now? Now, the only thing demanding his attention was the awareness of just how sweaty Blaine was, and how much Kurt liked it.

Blaine’s thin white t-shirt was almost soaked through, and the mixture of heat and sweat was making Blaine’s jeans cling to his thighs in a way Kurt would have never expected from a straight-leg pant. He’d forgone any product in his hair that morning, on the grounds that it was silly to put in the effort if he was just going to spend the day busting his ass. Kurt had done his best to avoid thinking about busting anything in Blaine’s ass, but he wasn’t very successful.

He tried not to think about those things. He really did. He just wasn’t very good at it. It wasn’t that he and Blaine were chaste, exactly. It was just that they didn’t do very much. Kurt had been relieved when Blaine hadn’t pushed their physical relationship during the first few months, but as time went on, Kurt found himself growing more and more frustrated. In the end, it was their decision to move to New York together that had opened the door to the discussion.

“This is hopeless,” Kurt had said, shutting his laptop. They’d been sitting on his bed and scrolling through Craigslist for apartments in their price range for close to an hour, but they hadn’t seen anything that looked promising. He’d had some suspicions for a while, and looking at pages of ad after ad had confirmed them.

“What do you mean?” Blaine asked. “

“It just doesn’t look like there’s much in our range,” Kurt sighed. “Not in any areas we’d want to live, at least. If we had a couple hundred dollars more each month, this would be a lot easier.”

“We’re not moving for another three months,” Blaine had said. “Maybe there will be more open to us when the time comes.”

“Doubtful,” Kurt said, shaking his head and falling onto his back against his bed. “If anything, it’ll only get worse. We’re going to end up commuting from New Jersey, I just know it.”

“Don’t look so glum. I’m sure we can work something out. Maybe we just need to approach things from a different angle. Reevaluate what we really need.” Blaine clasped his hands in his lap and tilted his head in contemplation. “Maybe, and this is just a thought, but maybe we could get away with two bedrooms, instead of three?”

“Oh, no,” Kurt protested. “There is no way one of us is sharing a room with Rachel Berry. Me, because I think I’d kill her. Or myself. One or the other. Maybe both. You, because if you’re going to share a room with anyone by choice, I think it should be me.” The words were out of his mouth before he’d had time to think about what he was saying, and even though it only took a few seconds for Blaine to respond, they were long enough for Kurt to imagine three possible means of going back in time to erase the last five minutes.

“Well, then why don’t I? Why don’t we, I mean?” Blaine rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “I know it’s a big step, but we’re already going to be sharing the same apartment, and we know we want to be together forever, right? This would just be speeding that along a little - for practical reasons. I don’t see you being a fan of bunk beds, and even a queen size bed would take up less room than two twins.”

“That’s true,” Kurt agreed, “but you have to admit that it would be weird. We haven’t even seen one another…you know. Naked.” He could feel his cheeks redden, but he couldn’t help it. He and Blaine had never done anything below the waist, and their clothes had always stayed very much on. To go from that to suddenly sharing the same room - same bed, even - it was more than a little jarring.

Blaine gave Kurt a thoughtful look, then looked down and picked at an imaginary thread on Kurt’s duvet cover. “Maybe we should get that out of the way, then. I mean, we’re both fully committed to this relationship, aren’t we? It makes sense that we’d eventually” he swallowed and gave a wave with one of his hands, “get physical.”

“Are you suggesting we have sex?” Kurt asked quietly. It wasn’t that he was opposed to the idea - quite the opposite, really. He’d wanted to take things further for months, but Blaine was always so careful with him that he’d almost given up hope that Blaine might ever want to take things further. Blaine’s gentlemanliness had been one of the things that had initially charmed Kurt, but it was considerably less charming when Kurt found himself picturing Coach Sylvester making out with Principal Figgins in order to keep from grinding into Blaine as they made out. It was frustrating, but Kurt knew Blaine was the one for him, so he was content to leave things as they were, just so long as they still spent plenty of time kissing.

“I mean, we don’t have to,” Blaine was quick to respond. “Not if you don’t want to, I just thought it might make it easier, you know? Make more sense if we’re going to be sharing such close quarters. That way, there won’t be any awkwardness over the two of us getting ready at the same time, and if things ever got out of control, we’d…be prepared.”

“Out of control?” Kurt asked.

“Well, I mean, I always assumed we’d do it eventually…this would just be our way of making sure it’s intentional, and not something that just happens.”

Kurt seriously doubted it would ever ‘just happen,’ but he wasn’t about to admit that. Not when Blaine was pretty much offering himself to Kurt - even if it was just as a precaution. “Okay,” Kurt said, and they began to talk about what would happen and who would do what to whom, and in what order the doing would be done. There may have been a spreadsheet involved - just to make sure that things were fair.

The Big Event had taken place about a week later, and there’d been sporadic repeats over the last few months. Kurt had tried to tell himself it would have happened more often if they’d had more privacy, but he kind of doubted it. Blaine was still as careful and reserved as always, and gave no indication of being any more interested in getting into Kurt’s pants as he had before he’d well, gotten into Kurt. Meanwhile, Kurt was slowly dying of sexual frustration. The thought that they’d now be sharing a bed should have helped, but it didn’t. All Kurt could think about was how now, he wouldn’t even be able to jerk off when Blaine left him with blue balls, because Blaine would be right there.

Like he was right now. Still working on assembling their bed (their bed!) and covered in sweat. Sweat. Kurt had never seen Blaine sweat before. Blaine was always so neat and pulled together. Even when they’d actually done it, Blaine somehow kept his cool and looked just as well-groomed after as he had before. It was kind of a shock, seeing Blaine so unkempt and boy-like. Not that Kurt didn’t know that Blaine was a boy - he was quite aware, and very happy about it - it was just that Blaine didn’t do the things the word boy usually conjured. He didn’t make crude jokes, or play a lot of sports (he did watch them, but Kurt figured everyone had to have an exception or two), he always smelled nice and looked clean and put together. Blaine was charming, and well-mannered, and never pushed for sex (much to Kurt’s eternal displeasure). Blaine was a gentleman - not a boy.

Only, there he was. Unkempt and starting to smell a little (and why did Kurt find that so damn hot?), with sweat beading across his forehead and making his neck and arms glisten in the light that came through their uncovered window. Blaine finished getting the rails into place, and allowed himself to lean against the headboard before sliding to a sitting position on the floor. He left a damp trail against the rich wood, and Kurt had to think about Jacob Ben Israel in order to keep from saying or doing anything that might make him look like the pervert he was beginning to think he was.

“Oh,” Blaine said, suddenly noticing the way Kurt was staring. “I must be quite the sight, huh?” He gave an embarrassed laugh. “I guess I just had more of a workout than I’m used to.” He tugged at his t-shirt and brought up the hem to wipe the sweat from his face, exposing the small, damp curls that trailed a line down his stomach and disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans.

Kurt swallowed thickly, doing his best to not stare any harder than he already was. “I know my eyes are sore,” he said weakly, trying to make a joke of it.

Blaine sniffed under one of his armpits and pulled a face. “Oh, man. Trust me, Kurt, you do not want to come any closer.” He walked over to the suitcase he’d set in the corner and pulled out a small toiletry bag and a plastic bag of clothes. “I packed extra moving clothes, just in case. Now that we’ve got everything here, I think I’m going to go take a shower - unless you need the bathroom first, I mean.”

Great. Kurt was already having trouble not thinking about how good Blaine looked, all wet and shiny. Now, he had to somehow avoid thinking about Blaine wet, shiny, and rubbing himself all over.

So. Not. Fair.

“Fine,” Kurt said. “Just try to leave enough hot water so I can have one after you, okay?” ‘I’ll need it’ Kurt thought to himself ‘after I go jerk off in the closet once you leave the room.’

“Sure thing,” Blaine winked. He made it almost to the door before he stopped and put his things on the floor. Without a word, he pulled off the sweat-soaked shirt and threw it to the floor, followed soon after by his pants, socks, and - oh yes - his underwear. “We don’t have a hamper in the bathroom,” he explained as he (oh my god) bent over and picked them up before tossing them into the laundry bag hanging on the back of the closet door on his way out.

That was it. Kurt was never going to survive living with his boyfriend. His charming, handsome, gentlemanly, surprisingly-scorchingly-sexy-when-sweaty boyfriend, Blaine.

Stupid, sexy Blaine.

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rating: r, rp, klaine

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