We Like To Play, You See [RPF] (NC-17)

May 15, 2011 16:09

Author: Oddreigh
Title: We Like To Play, You See (Made To Be Broken 2/10)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,300
Pairing: Chris/Darren. Kind of. ;)
Warning(s): Domination and submission.
Spoilers: Oh dear god, no.
Summary: Chris finds something unexpected while at Darren’s. Darren is mortified, but in a really good way.
Notes: If you didn’t notice, there’s now a question mark for the number of total parts. I’m currently re-evaluating a couple of things about the story’s overall structure, but please rest assured that all major plot points AND the ending are well planned out. I’m just having some issues figuring out how to best to justice to each of them without selling anything short or glossing over things that I think will be relevant. This is also the beginning of the talk.talk.talk./porn.porn.porn/talk.talk.talk pattern that I think the alternating chapters are going to take. You have been warned.

First part is found here

“Give me a reason to, and I swear it’ll be worth your while.”

My words are still hanging in the air when Darren reaches out without a word and plucks Travis from my fingers. “Follow me,” he says, rising to his feet and backing out of the bathroom. “Bring the basket.” For the first time, I look into the drawer and notice the mesh basket his assorted playthings call home. Picking up Howard and Carlos (which doesn’t really suit the green glass one, but seems to be sticking as a name for reasons I can’t even begin to fathom), I lift the basket out of the drawer and carry the whole lot with me as I follow Darren into his bedroom.

Darren’s lived here for a couple of months, but it still looks more or less like he just moved in. There are boxes scattered here and there in various stages of being unpacked, and there’s little in the way of personal touches. The only thing that’s been treated with any kind of attention is, unsurprisingly, his bed. It’s large, and made of brushed black metal. The bedding is a simple green, grey, and black stripe pattern, and that’s really all I have a chance to register before Darren stops in front of it and begins to take off his clothes.

”Dear sweet god,” I think to myself as article after article of clothing makes its way to the floor. It’s not like I didn’t have an idea of what he looked like - I saw the pictures from Out and Coachella, same as everyone else - but it’s one thing to know it as an abstract from a photograph, and yet another to know it because it’s standing before you, close enough to touch.

So, so close enough to touch…

When he gets to his briefs, he raises an eyebrow before hooking his thumbs into the waistband and bending over to pull them off. After that, he just kind of stands there for a minute, hip cocked (and really, there needs to be a better word than that, because it’s hard enough to not think of his cock and hard isn’t really the best word either and dear god I’m just going to close this train of thought now). He lifts his eyes to meet mine, and I know this is the moment that’s going to set the stage for everything else. If it doesn’t work, if this moment falls flat, nothing more will happen. He’ll get dressed, I’ll find an excuse to leave, and things will be really weird when we meet again for filming in August.

Here goes nothing.

“Show me what you can do. Prove to me that it’s worth my time to stay here and watch you be the little bitch I know you are.” I cross my arms against my chest and lean back, doing my best to appear bored. “I’m losing interest, and you’ve got two minutes before it slips away completely.”

Darren raises Travis to his lips and slides it in. He closes his eyes as he rolls it around his mouth, lips pumping up and down as it rises and falls between them. He lowers his head and looks up at me through his lashes as he points Travis outward in my direction. “Can I have some lube, Sir?” half a beat passes before he swallows thickly and a ragged “please?” escapes his lips.

I rest the basket on Darren’s nightstand before plucking out the bottle of lube and applying a small amount to Travis’s tip. “You’ll take that amount, and you’ll find a way to make it work. Show me you know what you’re doing, and I’ll decide if you deserve more.”

A nervous smile spreads across his lips, and he backs himself onto the bed, scooting himself away with his hands, Travis clutched between his teeth. Once he’s far enough back that he can stretch without his legs dangling off the edge, he traces one hand down his chest, teasing one of his nipples for just a second before coming to rest on his dick, the tips of his fingers just barely brushing against the curves of his ass. He leans back on his other elbow and lets his head fall a bit as he teases himself. It’s so, so hot, but it’s also really, really distracting, and I know I need to say something soon in order to keep the roles in place. “This isn’t for your benefit, you little slut,” I snap at him “your time is almost up, and you haven’t done anything to convince me I should stay.”

Without a word, Darren plucks Travis from between his teeth and looks me straight in the eye as he lowers it between his legs and - holy mother of god - plunges it right in. There’s no real preparation for it. One second, he’s got it in his mouth, the other, he’s sliding it in, twisting it at the curve and pushing onto it with a satisfied groan. His legs spread further open to give me a better look, and he begins to roll his hips in a rhythm that matches the thrusts he’s giving with his wrist.

Each movement finds more and more of Travis disappearing inside of him, the thrusts getting harder and more desperate. “Mmm…” I hum, half to myself. “Take it, you filthy little thing. I want to see you take it as far as you can.” I can hear him sucking his breath between his teeth as he moves it in further, stopping with a few inches still to go, eyes screwed shut and sweat appearing on his brow. “Good boy,” I tell him. “I think you’ve earned this,” I say, stepping forward and grasping Travis’s exposed end. I flick my wrist just enough to twist it inside of him, tilting upward to brush against that spot that I know from experience has the power to turn a guy to jelly.

Sure enough, Darren’s entire body clenches as he gives a loud cry and bends his neck so far back that his head practically meets his shoulders. “Oh, fuck me,” he whimpers, hips rolling down to press harder against the toy. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh, fuuuuuuuck meeeeee,” he whines, head lolling back and forth as he does his best to meet my eyes.

“Yes, I am fucking you, aren’t I?” I ask coolly. “I’m fucking you nice and hard, because that’s the way you like it. I can’t be gentle with you, because you’re such a nasty whore that you wouldn’t even be able to feel it. Have to be rough if I’m going to do any good, don’t I?” I give Travis another twist, and Darren practically melts into fits of convulsion.

“That’s enough,” I spit at him, pulling Travis away from him without warning. He gives a loud cry as it comes out, leaving him pink and still slightly open. I toss Travis onto one of the pillows (hope those cases don’t need to be dry-cleaned), and pluck out another toy from the basket at random. Crawling onto the bed and resting beside him on my knees, I slip this new toy - which would be fairly realistic looking, of it weren’t made of hot pink jelly - into his gaping mouth and tap it against his teeth. “Time for something new, bitch. You can’t expect that to be enough to keep me here. Do this right, and maybe I’ll even come back.” Darren’s chest rises and falls sharply, and it’s clear he’s doing his best to gear up for this.

His teeth part to accept the toy - which I’ve since decided should be known as Princeton - and I rotate it so that the curve follows the lines of Darren’s mouth and glides easily to his throat. He gags a little, and I pull back just a little bit. “Oh, come on, Darren. You and I both know you can do better than that, can’t you?” He does his best to nod without further gagging, and once he drops his jaw and appears to relax, I press it further inward. His lips form a seal around it and, much like with Travis, I can feel from the way Princeton moves in my hand the way his tongue is tending to it from inside his mouth. Deeper and deeper, it sinks into his mouth.

With my other hand, I give one of his nipples a hard pinch, and he chokes a bit as the pain registers. “Hey,” I bark at him, giving him a small slap - not enough to leave a mark, but just enough to sting a little. “Did I say you could lose focus?” He gives an almost imperceptible shake of his head, and I twist his other nipple for good measure. He does a better job of controlling his response this time, and I gently rub the pad of my thumb over his nipple as a reward. “Good boy,” I coo, reaching into the basket for something else to use on him.

I’m not really looking, so when I close my fingers around what feels like an unusually heavy butt plug, the last thing I’m expecting is to find myself with a handful of chrome that ends in a bright and shiny green gemstone. I give a sigh; even though it’s already been made abundantly clear that Darren picks out his sex toys by the same criteria pre-teen girls pick out their accessories at Claire’s. Go for whatever’s cutest and shiniest, and if it looks ridiculous, so much the better.

Claire. That seems like as good a name for the plug as any.

I prop it up against his leg and coat it with a healthy amount of lube, grimacing at the feel of the cheap stuff in my hand and making a mental note to present him with something more worth the while next time. ”Next time,” I think to myself ”there’s probably going to be a next time…” and it takes a second to regain my composure before I pick up the plug and nudge him with it. “Don’t get too comfortable, you little shit. I can practically smell the filth on you, and I think we need to plug you up to keep it from stinking up the room.” He pulls away from Princeton a little, and I have to dip it back into his mouth before he can speak. “I didn’t say that you were finished, did I?” He shakes his head, and when I gesture for him to roll over, he does a good job of not letting it slip from between his lips.

“There you go,” I murmur, pushing his head down so that Princeton is held upright by a blend of his mouth’s hold on it and the bed beneath it. He lifts his hips and tucks his knees beneath him without needing to be asked, and I trace a simple pattern along one side of his ass as a reward. “That’s a good slut. You know what I want you to do, and you do it without needing to be told. It’s good to see you know your place so well.” With one hand, I slip two fingers between the halves of his ass and spread them just enough to bring his asshole into view. It’s still pink from before, with a thin coating of the sticky lube glistening on its surface. With my other hand, I press Claire against him and slowly urge it inside of him. He grunts a little as the widest part makes its way inside, but once it’s fully inserted, his body relaxes and a hum of pleasure forms around Princeton as one of his hands wraps around its base and he begins to bob his head up and down on it.

I slide off the bed and rifle through Darren’s discarded clothes until I get to his pants. I dig his phone out of his pants and place it beside him on the bed. “I’m going to go wash the stink of you off of my hands, and then, I’m going to go home. You, however, are going to stay right here until that phone rings and I say you can get up. Do you understand that, Darren? You are not to stop sucking that dick or remove that plug until I tell you to.” He nods a little, his eyes just barely making contact with mine. I stop briefly in the bathroom to wash my hands before I grab my messenger bag from the living room and make my way out the door and to my car.

I think I’ll be taking the scenic route home.

Featured in this story:
The green glass double-sized dildo that Darren claims is his favorite - hereby known as “Carlos.”
The hot pink jelly known as “Princeton.”
The lube Chris finds so objectionable.
The bejeweled butt plug known as “Claire.”

forex simulator

rpf, series: made to be broken, rating: nc-17

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