Confusedly - OR - Five Times Someone Misunderstood (and One Who Kind of Got It)

Apr 09, 2011 23:24

Title: Confusedly - OR - Five Times Someone Misunderstood (and One Who Kind of Got It)
Rating: PG-13, for language
Word Count: 3070
Spoilers: If only.
Summary: For this prompt. “Criss/Colfer rpf Established relationship - Darren and Chris' relationship told through the eyes of one of the kids on set (for whatever reason) preferably a boy”

Slight tweaking in that it’s told from more than one POV, and not all observations take place on set, but I hope it’s close enough.

This can be seen as running parallel to the ”Adverbs” ‘verse, though I don’t think it’s necessary to have read it to follow along. This is really different from anything I've previously written, so apologies if it doesn't quite work. (The fact I wrote a good chunk of it while drinking probably didn't help.)

I. Ryan

When Darren and Chris walk off the set hand in hand, no one seems to pay it much attention. They write it off as the two being friends, or maybe slipping into a bit of character bleed after an especially intense scene. Looking around, it seems like I’m the only one who gets that there’s probably more to it than that.

It takes me a couple of minutes to get away from set and make my way to Darren’s trailer. He’s pulling a t-shirt over his head as he opens the door, and looks more than a little surprised to see me. “Sit,” I tell him, and he wastes no time in taking a seat on the sofa, gesturing for me to do the same.

“What’s up?” he asks, leaning into the corner and bringing one foot up to rest on the cushions.

“What’s up,” I begin, “is that I want to know just what the fuck you’re up to, Criss.” He does his best to look confused, and I put up a hand to stop any protests he may be about to make. “Look, I don’t know what that little ad-lib of yours was about, but I know Chris, and that kiss he gave you was clearly not in character. We’re keeping it because it works for the scene, but I need to know just what the hell is going on with you two, and I want you to tell me now.”

Darren pulls his knee to his chest and leans further back. “Look, Ryan, this wasn’t something I anticipated happening when I auditioned. It’s not something I ever anticipated, really, but it did, and it is, and I’m happy. I’d like to think Chris is happy. I hope he’s happy. He makes me happy.”

Yeah. Not buying it. I narrow my eyes in the universal language for ”don’t fuck with me, straight boy” and tilt my head to further the impression that I think he’s completely full of it.

“Look, Darren. Chris is a good kid. He’s not very experienced, and I just want to make sure you get that. If you’re feeling some sort of random curiosity, I can give you the addresses for a few places where you can indulge without consequence, but I want to make sure that your journey of self-exploration doesn’t result in him getting caught in the crossfire. You’ve got to get where I’m coming from, right?”

Darren nods like his damn head’s on a spring. “Ryan, it’s not like that at all, I swear. I’m not saying I understand it all, but I swear, Chris is really, really important to me, and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.”

I give him another once-over and slowly get up. I can’t tell if he’s being genuine or not, but there’s not a lot more I can really do about it. Just before I shut the door behind me, I turn to face him again. “For everyone’s sake, I’m going to choose to believe you, but mark my words, Darren - break his heart and I’ll break your legs.”

I don’t bother to wait for his reaction before I turn and walk away.

II. Chord

Okay, so I’m not the smartest guy in the world. I never said I was. I still don’t get why everyone seems so offended when I ask Darren if he’s really okay with rooming with Chris while we’re on tour. It’s totally not a gay thing - I know Chris isn’t going to attack any guy he’s stuck rooming with any more than it means I’d jump all over Diana if we were assigned to the same room. (I mean, I’d want to put my hands on her, but only if she wanted them there, you know?)

I was mostly thinking about the sleepwalking thing, really. I mean, everyone knows Chris does weird things in his sleep. I just kinda’ thought he’d be given a room to himself, you know? Or maybe with Amber or Ashley, since they’ve shared rooms with him before and they know how to handle him. The tour’s got everyone pretty wrecked, and I just thought it was kind of harsh to have the new guy sharing with the person most likely to wander out in the middle of the night and leave the door open. That’s all. That doesn’t make me a bad guy, does it?

Darren’s giving me a serious case of stink-eye, and I’m just about to open up and try to explain what I meant when he takes Chris’s hand in his and almost sneers at me. “I’ve got the best roommate. Try not to be too jealous that I get to spend the next week waking up with my boyfriend on the company dime while you deal with Mark’s snoring.” Chris looks a little like a deer caught in the headlights, but I know I’m not the only one who notices when he steps a little closer to him and they exchange some kind of look.

The elevator doors open before I have the chance to explain, and everyone just kinda’ gets out of their way. I stare after them for a minute, and by the time everyone else has filtered out, I’m not so worried about how Darren’s going to handle Chris’s sleeping habits anymore.

III. Mark

It’s Cory’s idea to have a barbeque a week before we start filming the new season. That guy will take any excuse to break out that Flip of his, I swear. I once asked him how much of his hard drive was dedicated to those crazy videos, and he actually asked which hard drive I meant. “You’ve got a problem,” I told him, and I haven’t been stupid brave enough to ask about it since.

It’s not a bad scene, though. Cory’s got a great backyard, and there’s lots of room to hang out. Harry and Kevin are having another one of their dance-offs in the corner, and most of the girls are hanging out by the pool and soaking up the sun. There’s a crowd playing poker by the sliding glass doors that lead to the living room, and I’d be tempted to join them if Nya wasn’t one of them. That girl’s crazy amazing at the game. Only a sucker plays her more than once.

I throw an arm over Cory’s shoulder as he flips some burgers. The guy’s pretty dedicated to the art of the grill. I’ve never known anyone as obsessed with it before, and I grew up in Texas. “’Sup, man?” I ask, knocking back more of the beer in my hand.

“Not much,” he says. “Just trying to get the first round done so I can throw the next batch on.” He gives a look around and swears under his breath. “Hey man, do me a favor and grab the next tray from the fridge? I asked Darren, but he hasn’t come back with them yet. I need to season them before they go on.”

“Sure thing,” I say, and head on in.

I’m just about to head for the kitchen when Chris slams into me and knocks me on my ass. “Dude, little attention?” I call out, and he just flips me off as he walks away.

Darren’s not far behind. “Come on, Chris. Don’t be this way,” he shouts after him, but he stops when he sees me on the floor. “Dude, Mark - you okay?” He leans over and helps me up, clearly distracted.

“Stellar,” I say, and brush myself off. “What was that all about?”

Guy gives kind of a defeated sigh and shrugs his shoulders. “Chris…he caught me checking Lea out when she bent over,” he flicks his eyes up at me and gives a weird kind of half-smile. “You’ve seen it, how the hell was I not going to stare when she did that?” he looks around to make sure no one’s close enough to hear and I just know I’m not going to like what he’s about to say, but I really don’t have a chance to get away before he goes on. “The suit’s fucking white, man. I swear to god, I could see every line of her -“

“Dude, not cool!” I put up both of my hands in front of me and take a step back. “She’s almost like a sister, at this point. Cousin, at least. I really, really don’t want to hear about you checking out her…yeah. Dude. Besides, what about Chris? I thought you were totally gay for each other now.”

Guy gets this weird look on his face, and his head starts to shake. “I’m not gay, Mark. Chris is the first guy I’ve ever been with, and if anything goes wrong with him, he’ll probably be the last. I’ve always been into girls, and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. I don’t act on it, because Chris is kind of amazing, but it doesn’t mean I’m immune, for shit’s sake.”

I raise an eyebrow and make a face. I don’t know what the guy’s trying to sell me, but I’m totally not buying it. “Dude, if you like girls, you like girls. If you like Chris, you like guys. Maybe you’re bi or something, but I kinda’ think you’ve lost any right to call yourself straight.”

He shakes his head and gives me a dirty look. “What the fuck ever, man. I’d say I hope that someday, you’re lucky enough to understand what I mean, but right now, I’m not sure I want to wish you anything that good. Whatever. Just get out of my way, okay?”

He’s out the door, probably chasing after Chris. I shake my head, not really understanding, but not really sure I’m supposed to. Whatever, man. Long as they seem to be happy - mostly, anyway - who the hell am I to judge?

IV - Cory

Sometimes, I worry about the little guy. Okay, so little guy’s not so little anymore. He’s totally legal in all the ways that count, and he’s been wit this guy for a while, but I just can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong, you know? He’s been playing my stepbrother for like, two seasons now, and he’s way shorter than me, so it’s hard to see him as anything else. Plus, he was just a kid when we started, you know? Almost a decade younger than me, and yeah, that doesn’t cause any weird moments when I talk about something that makes total sense to me, only to have him laugh and say he was like, six when it happened.

Still, he’s a good guy, and I just don’t want to see him hurt. No one does, I think. That’s why people get so weirded out by that guy he’s with. It’s not that Darren’s not cool - he totally is. He’s smart, and he’s funny, and he knows a lot more about how the business works than some of us who’ve been in it a lot longer than him. It’s just…guy was all about how awesome it was to be a straight guy playing gay when he started, then POW - he’s sticking his tongue down little guy’s throat every time the cameras are off. I don’t know. Maybe it’s different in LA, but I always thought straight guys wanted to make out with girls, right?

California’s weird, man. Very, very weird.

V. Jenna

One thing I learned a long time ago was to never make assumptions about people. Odds are, anything you assume will be proven wrong, and you’ll come off worse in the end. People’s unpredictability is one of the things that gets making to know them an ongoing thing, and maybe it’s just me, but isn’t that the best part of knowing someone? Knowing just how much you don’t know, and filling in the gaps?

Maybe it’s just me.

Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed the last three years. It’s going to be hard to go. I know I’m not the only one who’s broken down over the last month, but I’m doing my best to not let that detract from my own feelings. These people have been my family for the last few years. Saying good-bye won’t be easy.

Everyone’s been promising to keep in touch, but I know that’s not going to happen. Everyone said the same thing when Spring Awakening ended, and look how that turned out. I don’t blame anyone; I know they all mean it when they say we’ll still have parties. That we’ll still hang out and go for dinner and all those things, but meaning it doesn’t mean it’ll happen.

I love these people, but I’m prepared to say good- bye.

Lea’s got a new show on Broadway. Heather’s going to be choreographing Ke$ha’s next tour. Mark’s about to head into the studio to record his next album. Cory’s got a new show in development at HBO. Everyone’s got something planned, really.

Everyone but Chris.

This is kind of surprising, because Chris has been working around the clock since before the second season went into production. His first movie came out a couple of months ago with good buzz, but he’s been pretty quiet about what he’s planning to follow it up with. I’ve heard him and Darren talking about working together on something, but it seems more like the kind of thing people say when they don’t want to admit something’s over than the kind of thing they say when it’s really beginning.

I really don’t want to pretend I know more about what’s going on with them than I do, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wonder. Their whole…thing has never really made a lot of sense to me. Don’t get me wrong - I’m a big believer in “hearts, not parts” - it just seemed like they came out as a full-blown couple from out of nowhere. One moment, they’re just friends, same as any of us. Next thing we know, Darren’s calling Chris his boyfriend and they’re making out on a red carpet at Chris’s birthday party. No longing looks, no moments caught behind the scenes holding hands or anything. Just a flip of a switch and there they were, even though Darren had been talking about being straight for months and Chris had never said anything about even finding Darren attractive.

It’s not wrong that I can’t really trust it, is it? I like them both a lot - they’re really nice guys - I just don’t understand how it all happened.

Things like that don’t just come out of thin air, do they?

I. Mike

Ever since our first scene together, I’ve been blown away by the kind of stuff Chris is capable of. That kid’s got this way of making things so real that it actually hurts to work with him, sometimes, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I know people have said he’s going to end up stuck in a rut, playing Kurt Hummel for the rest of his life. I also know I’ve told those same people where to shove it, because that kid’s got a talent that can’t be contained. I know it, and given the number of statues he’s collected, I think enough other people know it, too.

We’re filming our last scene together today. Kurt’s just graduated from McKinley, and Burt’s helping him pack up his car before he heads off to New York. First, for a summer internship at Vogue; then, so that he can begin the next stage of his life at the New School while Blaine studies nearby at Columbia.

Of all the couples the show’s had over the years, Kurt and Blaine are the only one that’s come through things more or less okay. It’s been really great to step into Burt’s shoes and have the chance to see Kurt grow from this scared little punk kid into this strong young man, confident and steady and fully aware of how important love is. How when you’ve got the right kind of love in your life, everything else seems like small potatoes.

Tying down the last of the luggage to the top of Kurt’s Navigator and throwing my arms around him for the last time, I can’t help but feel an ache in my own heart. This is the last time the Hummels will be together, and I’ll always be honored to have been a part of them.

“I guess that’s it, then,” Kurt says, and Burt doesn’t really say anything in response. He just takes the old baseball cap off his head, the one reading “Hummel’s Tire and Lube,” and rests it on his son’s head.

“Keep the sun out of your eyes on the drive, okay, kid? Be safe.” Kurt just tilts the hat at an angle and climbs into the car.

“Thank you, sir. For…everything,” Blaine says, thrusting his hand forward and breaking Burt away from his daydreams of his son as a boy. Burt takes his hand and shakes it, then pulls him close for a hug and pats him on the back.

“Thank you, Blaine - for everything else.”

That’s it. Blaine steps away and climbs into the car’s passenger seat, and the two drive away from the Hummel home for the last time, Burt waving good-bye as they disappear.

I know people haven’t always agreed with those two - on or off screen - but both Burt and I know they’re for real. So Blaine wasn’t always perfect - so what? So, that Darren kid said he was straight - doesn’t stop the way I see him looking at Chris when the cameras aren’t on. Doesn’t stop the way their eyes shine at each other on set when they don’t think anyone’s looking.

It doesn’t change the fact that I never saw Chris happier before he showed up, and it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve seen him move from boy to man as they’ve grown closer together. I know that being one of the oldest people on this show means I should probably be more skeptical, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that love surprises you. You can’t tell when it’s going to happen, or who with, but only an idiot turns it down when it appears.

Those two are anything but idiots, and I couldn’t be happier if they were my own.

Herbal Supplements ADD

rpf, bits and bobs, series: adverbs, prompt fill, rating: pg-13

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