(no subject)

Dec 16, 2007 23:17

It's been a while since my last post, ne? I apologize. The life of brilliant novelist has never been an easy one. Busy busy busy.

Kyo-kun, I'm a man of my word. Here's the story you wanted.

Souma Yuki stared out of impassive violet eyes. The girl in front of him, crying, was a first-year, but that made her no different from any of the other girls, except maybe that she was more prone to tears. Far from distressing him, as tears would often do to other boys-not Souma Yuki of course-he merely felt a slight annoyance at the fact that the girl considered not being able to go out with the Prince of her high school worthy of turning on the waterworks. Was a date with him so precious? He thought not. But, still, a small part of him, buried deep within behind the cold mask he’d assumed for so long that he was afraid of removing it, was a little child crying along with the girl. Crying, because he couldn’t date her either, couldn’t risk anyone finding out his secret…and so had to forsake all physical relationships...

With females, at any rate. Yuki sighed and waited for the girl to collect herself. He needed...he needed to purge this bitterly lonesome feeling, this feeling that made him crave warm touches and warmer skin and the comfort of knowing one was needed. Soft words and whispered breath… He shook his head slightly and adjusted his stance. There was no time for thoughts like that right now; he wouldn’t get a chance to act on them until lunchtime, at the very soonest.

A few minutes before the break was over, Yuki returned to his classroom, the girl having stumbled in before him a minute earlier. He was glad that the confrontation was over though he knew that the rustling whispers signified the fact that everyone was still discussing it. Honda Tohru, however, was among one of the ones excluded from that “everyone.” She was seated with her friends, and her ever-present smile greeted him as he walked toward her.

“Yuki-kun! Where did you go?” she asked brightly.

“In the hall, of course,” replied Tohru’s yankee friend, Arisa Uotani, idly. “Where Mitsuke-san attempted to win over his heart in the face of a hundred previous failures.” She flashed Yuki an indecipherable look. “You’re an interesting character, Souma-san. Most guys would be thrilled to have all the girls chasing after them. You even have a fan club for crying out loud!”

Yuki only gave her an inscrutable smile in return, feeling his mask slip securely into place. “I guess I’m not most guys then.”

Tohru, who had looked slightly befuddled before, now brightened. “That’s right! Yuki-kun is unique!” She beamed at him. He smiled in return, letting the warmth and genuineness in the movement hitch up a notch. Tohru was special, he knew it. And not “special” the way he and that baka neko were, but special in her kindness and loving nature. She found the good in everyone and, in turn, helped them find the good in themselves. If Yuki had allowed himself such emotions he knew he could have easily fallen in love with her. As it was, he was comfortable with their friendship-though it was more than he’d expected at the onset.

Besides, it was easier to keep Tohru from learning of his other secret when she wasn’t quite so involved in his life. And she’d be less hurt as well.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the break, and as Saki Hanajima reluctantly tied off the braid she’d woven into Tohru’s hair and returned to her seat, Yuki overheard her murmuring to her friend, “I still sense strange waves emanating from Souma-kun.”

Tohru merely flushed, mind clearly racing to the curse. Uo, long skirt swishing in time with her blonde hair as she made her way to her seat, merely snorted and muttered, “I think he’s gay.”

Yuki had to stifle a genuine chuckle. Tohru’s face was now blazing red. She really knew how to pick her friends, that girl, he mused. Hanajima with her psychic powers or whatnot, the Souma family and their odd curse, and a yankee that was far more perceptive than people gave her credit for…

Well, it certainly was a way to avoid getting turned into a rat every time he wanted the comforts of an embrace. He seated himself and faced the teacher attentively, as Souma Yuki should, but twirled his pencil idly in his hand. On the pretense of taking notes on the characteristics of ions, Yuki wrote, in his neat, precise handwriting:

Lunchtime. Stress relief.

When the teacher turned his back to write on the chalkboard, Yuki dropped his pencil onto the ground and, as he picked it up, dropped the folded note into the lap of the boy sitting in front of him. Crimson eyes glared at him suspiciously, but slender fingers snatched the note and Yuki sat up with a satisfied air.

He’d have his stress relief soon, then.


Tohru glanced from one Souma to the other uneasily. The sparks of intense hatred were nearly tangible between the two boys. “Um,” she said nervously, “I’m going to go to work now. Be sure to warm dinner around six.”

While Kyo scowled at his cousin, Yuki said to her calmly, “We will. Don’t worry about us, Tohru.”

She backed away slowly, shoes finding purchase on the concrete on the front steps of the school. Tohru was uncertain if the cat and rat would be civil to each other once she’d left. But she really did need to get to her after-school job. “Promise not to fight?” she asked them, peering earnestly in turn into their eyes. “I’ll only go if you promise.”

Kyo grumbled and he and Yuki glared at each other. “Fine,” he snapped.

“We won’t fight,” agreed Yuki, though the look glinting in his violet eyes was a bit more murderous than usual. Typically, he ignored the baka neko because it was clear that the patronizing brush off lent Yuki a superior air of being too good to bother with Kyo, which in turn bothered the cat immensely. It was fun, most of the time, as Yuki enjoyed seeing his cousin all riled. Today, however, for some reason Tohru couldn’t discern, Yuki actually seemed angry-very angry-for once.

Still, she thought to herself, they’d promised. She trusted them. “Yay!” she beamed at them. With a bright wave, she ran off, hurrying as to not be late to her job. She knew they’d never go back on a promise, no matter what conflict they were currently entangled in.

The two Soumas watched the warmth and sunshine and unwitting peacemaker of their house spring away. They stood on the front steps of the school, backlit by the blazing afternoon sunlight that streamed across the campus, until they became aware of the whispers and giggles of nearby girls, sounds that usually indicated that another attempted flirtation was looming.

Kyo made a face, his crimson eyes screwed up in distaste. Gah. He still couldn’t understand why that stupid Yuki went to school with so many girls. Stupid girls. Honestly, you’d think the kuso nezumi was- He was jerked roughly down the steps before he could continue his mental rant.

He swore under his breath as Yuki pulled him around the corner of the school, his grip bruising on Kyo’s arm.

“Come on.” The usually placid and unemotional Souma’s eyes were glittering hard and his voice was harsh. Kyo recognized the tension in the pale-skinned boy’s muscles. His cousin was furious, and suppressing it. What got him so pissed? he wondered. He tugged his arm from Yuki’s death grip as they stalked into the shadows of the deserted second-years’ wing.

“Let go, dammit.” Kyo came to a standstill outside the side door that led into the school. He rubbed his arm and glared at his cousin, who had also come to a stop and now faced Kyo. There was something about his ragged breathing, his clenched fist, that made the redhead uneasy. Rarely did Yuki lose his composure, even when Kyo, in all his short-tempered fury, recklessly challenged him to fight at least twice a day. He usually just glares and ignores me or smirks and wipes me out… But Kyo didn’t remember irking his cousin today...so what was eating at him? “What th’ hell do you want?”

Well, clearly that was the question of the day, because suddenly Kyo found himself shoved back into the side of the building, hands gripping his shoulders painfully, as a hot mouth descended over his.

His mind froze.


Yuki’s lips pressed urgently against his, insistently, hot and firm and slightly sweet, and suddenly there was a tongue swiping at his mouth, questing for entrance. Kyo’s heart pounded in a steadily increasing tempo and his ears began to ring as Yuki pressed his body closer, his warmth enveloping the cat.

The hands on his shoulders relaxed as Kyo’s mouth fell open beneath the tempestuous assault of his cousin and slid up into his hair. Kyo’s hands, of their own volition, wrapped themselves around the other boy’s slim build, fisting in the crisp white shirt of their school uniform. Yuki’s scent, drifting from his hair, wafted in the air, the smell achingly familiar and enough to set Kyo’s teeth on edge with need. It triggered too many memories of sweat and slick skin and musky scents and silent sighs that slipped into the summer air that hung so heavily above them...

Yuki’s tongue tangled with Kyo’s, battling, dueling, testing, each familiarizing the other’s texture and taste. Yuki drew back suddenly, heaving, drawing long breaths and exhaling, his eyes trained on Kyo’s flushed face.

“W-what?” Kyo asked self-consciously, licking his swollen lips.

“Bastard,” the pale-haired boy snapped, and lunged forward again, attacking the skin along Kyo’s jaw with not-so-gentle nips and swift, hot licks that elicited a whimper out of the younger Souma.

He wondered fleetingly if Yuki was referring to the note earlier that day... But the hands feverishly working his tie loose and pulling his shirt open distracted him, and the mouth that fastened itself to the newly exposed skin drove all coherent thought out of his mind. It had been too long since the last time. Sweet electricity coursed through his veins, making him tingle with the pleasure, and his eyes shut and he pulled Yuki closer.

Gods, it had been far too long...

Yuki’s wandering hands had unbuttoned Kyo’s shirt, which was now flapping in the mild breeze, and as he continued to suck on the skin below his cousin’s collarbone, Yuki drifted a hand across the front of Kyo’s pants.


Pleased with the result, which had Kyo’s incoherent thoughts leaving his brain alongside his coherent ones until he was focused entirely on the heat of Yuki’s hand and mouth and hovering body, Yuki did it again. He swallowed Kyo’s whimper with his own mouth and pulled back another time, violet eyes flicking from the swollen, red mouth down the exposed chest, to rest on the uncomfortable strain tenting Kyo’s pants. An answering throb came from his own arousal.

Kyo’s hands slid up Yuki back and yanked him back, body flush along the other boy’s. Yuki’s breath hissed out and he narrowed his eyes, hair moving slightly in the breeze. “You fucking bastard,” he gritted out between his teeth. He moved experimentally, aligning his erection with Kyo’s and oh-his breath caught in his throat as a haze of mind-blowing pleasure burned through him.

Kyo moaned, hips lifting involuntarily, rocking.

“You...” Yuki kissed his cousin hard, “need it,” and bit savagely on his lower lip, “as badly,” as he fingered one erect nipple, “as I do. Why the hell did you ignore my note?” And he kissed Kyo fiercely again.

Ah, so it had been about that note...

“Because,” Kyo gasped out, pushing the rat back far enough for him to make fast work out of Yuki’s shirt buttons. He wouldn’t be the only one undressed here, dammit. “Because you ain’t my master and I don’t do as I’m told.” He glared defiantly at his older cousin. “I’ll do as I please.” Leaning forward, he covered Yuki’s mouth with his own. “When I please.”

His hands slid down to explore the smooth skin that covered Yuki’s chest, feeling reckless and happy and hot and so damned hard. He shifted his stance so that he was pressed closer to the other boy, his hips rubbing against Yuki’s.

The other boy’s eyes slid closed as a soft moan escaped his lips. “Bastard,” he reiterated faintly.

Kyo smirked. He was hardly the passive lover. Previous encounters had established that. While he could hardly deny that he loved having Yuki all over him, what made him harder was the thought of Yuki all around him, that hot tight passage as he pumped ferociously and Yuki whimpering and begging and ordering... Kami, he thought again, bringing a halt to his fantasies before he lost himself. He looked at Yuki.

The boy was delectable, flushed, sweating, fever-bright eyes that had opened when Kyo had stood there lost in his own daydreams. His long hair clung to his face and fell over his eyes, shirt open and half off one pale, rounded shoulder that Kyo couldn’t suppress the urge to bite. Call it animal instinct.

And suddenly Kyo had spun his cousin around and pressed the rat against the wall, pinning the other boy’s wrists above him as he attacked Yuki’s pale neck. He shuddered at the moan he elicited and nearly went out of his mind with the intense pleasure at the rhythmic thrusts of Yuki’s hips against his.

This would take the edge off for sure.


“Feel better now, nezumi?” Kyo asked his cousin later, as they walked home.

Yuki was frowning at his tie, which was crooked after he’d redressed. Stupid thing. He’d never understand how Tohru did it so well. “Domo,” he said grudgingly in response to Kyo’s question. “Though I still would’ve felt better if it had been at lunchtime like I’d asked. Stress isn’t fun.” He raised his head to glare at the redhead.

Kyo glared back. “It would’ve been a helluva lot shorter then. Didn’t think I left you with any room t’ complain. Stupid rat,” he muttered under his breath. He kicked a harmless weed in his path.

Rolling his eyes, Yuki gave up on his tie and instead ran a hand through his hair. The late afternoon breeze had picked up a chill but had dried his sweat-soaked skin and hair rapidly. He still felt slightly sore and sticky though. A bath was definitely in order once he got home. Speaking of baths… “I get baths first,” he said just as Kyo opened his mouth.

“The fuck!” Yuki’s smirk was returned by a glare.

“You can have dinner first,” he said in a cheerful voice, as they approached the edge of the clearing where the Souma house stood. “I hope Tohru made leeks.”

Kyo gave him an irritated shove. “Idiot.”

Yuki stumbled a little, but didn’t fall. He glanced over his shoulder at his cousin and made a face, in too good of a humor to snap as he usually would at the baka neko. Stress relief went a long way for Souma Yuki. He smirked again. “Or we could take the bath together,” he purred, winking.

Flushing, Kyo growled, “Shigure’s at home!”

“Ne, ne,” replied Yuki genially, halting briefly for Kyo to catch up before patting him on the cheek, “you’ll be fine. Just pray that I leave enough hot water for you.” Then he ran lightly across the yard and into the Souma house, pausing in the doorway long enough to shout, “And next time I want my stress relief when I ask for it, baka neko!”

And Souma Shigure, inside the house, ostensibly working on his newest manuscript but really debating where Kyo could have hidden his dirty magazines, was left wondering at the exchange, as the redheaded Souma let loose a stream of curses at his cousin, storming into the house behind Yuki.


This feels like it could become a continuing epic. We'll see.

Ha-san, I saw my new doctor today. Turns out Dr. Miki Cutebottom is, in fact, male. ;_; But he's gentler than you with needles. ... Would probably look worse in a skirt, though. I'm torn.

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