I'm really good at feeling bad for myself. if I was capable of being sympathetic as to others as much as I am to my self/own needs, I may be what is considered a "good person". but I'm not. instead, I will jump at the chance to act like a baby and whimper and writhe in pain when I am sick. right now I have pink eye and the flu and I can't quite decide which is making me most miserable. on my way to and from work I wept silently while listening to sufjan stevens because my life is so hard. you know, because I smell like BO because I accidentally put on sam's rilo kiley t-shirt instead of my own. because I lost the only earphones that ever fit in my ears. because I don't have money to buy tickets to shows right now. because our palm plant is dying. that kind of shit.*
anyway. here's a picture I made for you
*you know that's all me being facetious.