Jun 08, 2008 22:20
That day will be my day
For so long I have waited
At one time through blatant torment
Today under breath I am hated
So I hope you understand
Why here I smile with childish glee
Firmly poised on the perch
Of long awaited victory
And on the legacy of my ancestors
Upon their very dreams I will take flight
To remove the long hanging clouds of ignorance
Which for centuries have hindered your sight
Then you can see the world and me
For what and who we are
And see the path I’ve traveled
My journey both arduous and far
And if by God’s choice
I take my place on that mantle of fate
I will not wipe away my tears
For they are the purging of much hate
A hate which was born within me
Bred from generations past
Forged in the belly of their torment
America’s bastard child
Overlooked and into exile cast
But on that blessed day
If my people’s vision comes forth in bloom
I will call that moment a sweet panacea
To heal my hardship’s ailing wound
That day will be a marker
A symbolic spot of pride indeed
That bigotry has been uprooted
Displaced by love’s ardent seed
barack obama,