Oct 11, 2003 20:33
What a fucking beautiful day. I did absolutely nothing this morning except daydream and listen to music. Ahh. Shelly Dionne and I finally had our coffee date this afternoon, and our conversation pleased me greatly. I love that lady. She knows way more about romance and life than I do. So does Amanmac; she sure can get her groove thing on. I like it.
And, because Matt failed to send me the e-mail, I almost missed the local kids Summerbridge dinner. Fortunately I talked to him this afternoon and got the scoop. I was happy to see everyone. Isak had a "hot date" afterwards, so Jessie, Matt and I dropped him off at the kid's house. To embarass ZACH Jessie asked to use the toilet and I think he may have received some interesting phone calls. Tee hee.
the opening line : actually...it was more of a scratch
Megankerry : sure sure
the opening line : trying to inch by while parking
the opening line : haha
Megankerry : yeeeeah you might want to work on the parking lot stuff lol
the opening line : actually i hit them really hard, then i got out of my car with a bat and smashed it, in case I missed something
the opening line : haha
Megankerry : hahah
the opening line : i know huh
Megankerry : ah sexual aggression permeates every aspect of your life
the opening line : haha
the opening line : WHAT?
Megankerry : the opening line : actually i hit them really hard, then i got out of my car with a bat and smashed it, in case I missed something
Megankerry : just by typing that
the opening line : how is that SEXUAL?
the opening line : that's more just.....violent
Megankerry : *aggression*
Megankerry : je m'excuse, sorry i keep bringing that up
the opening line : haha
the opening line : no, it's probably true anyways
the opening line : :-P
Also, going to the football game last night with Nicole was fun. We reminisced about last spring. Ah the postal services makes me nostalgic. Jess showed up late to the game, which was unfortunate. We made a stop at Giovanni's with Tyler and Nolan before heading home. An enjoyable evening, I must say.
panera with ariel tomorrow. joy like whoa.
<3 times like 6587645633339558583875438759836535 I am one happy girl. :)