Sep 04, 2003 18:38
I feel very strange right now.
It's kind of like...we're all planets spinning on our own axes. We may pass through each other's orbits but we never make full contact.
Words can only express a mere fraction of what we're actually thinking. Do we ever really get to know one another? Do we really know own family members? I don't even know who I am anymore.
This is a stupid evening. There is nothing to do in this grimy city.
Fucking awesome. I think someone stole my old cell phone at lunch during one of my free mods. Somehow it found its way to Mr. Ryan's office, where I am expected to pick it up on Monday. I hope he isn't allowed to read the text messages I have saved on that stupid Barbie toy. I think they would incriminate a lot of people. Meh.
Some imbecile left a bottle of cleaner on the counter uncapped and it spilled everywhere. I think I'm losing hearing in my left ear.
I want to go see Dashboard tomorrow, kinda. We're not running Uncanoonuck (I am a terrible speller) so I will have much more time to do things for myself. Ha. Not like I'll be able to get tickets now. blech
Nicole can't hang out tonight. Sunday I am going to a study party because I am fucked. I want to see Ariel, and Alyssa.
I sound really miserable in this entry, but I'm actually in quite a pleasant mood. School is going well right now. The construction has screwed some things up, but I think it's kind of fun. Since we can't cross the courtyard we have to walk all the way around on the sidewalks. But then you're squashed in the throng and you bump into people and that's how some really interesting conversations are started.
My first cross country meet EVER is at Derryfield Park this Tuesday at like 4:00 I think. I'm so nervous! Sometimes I'm called The White Ethiopian. Nuts. This is so bad.
A terrible turn of events has occurred. RIP MITCH!!! That made me quite unhappy.
I have such a rocking schedule.
Mod A: Chem
Mod B: lab/free mod
Mod C: AP US History
Mod D: Advanced Math
Mod E: Orchestra
Mod F: Free mod
Mod G: British Authors
Mod H: Free mod
So I'm going to try to get into latin Mod F because I feel like a schmuck for dropping French. But it needed to be done to make the rest of this work.
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