It defenitley didn't take much convincing to get Spike to go out onto the streets, once there he seemed a bit less irritated, and after a few fights I'd dare to say he might actually be enjoying himself. What really matters, though, is that I'm having the first real fun since I joined up with the new Wolfram and Hart.
Needless to say the cute lost little girl routine wasn't going to work with the somewhat large blonde by my side, but lately finding trouble wasn't all that hard. My slayer status wasn't so secret around the halls of wolfram and hart, so where I went at night, the badguys sortof...flocked.
It was no time before a swarm of vampires came down on us. I have a moment bettween opponents to watch him work, fists flying through the air, and I duck a punch, grabbing a pipe and kicking the offending vampire in the face and dropping to my feet, throwing one fist, then the other. I drive the stake halfway in, kick him back to the wall and slam the stake through with my foot.
It dusts and I give a little whoop, bouncing back to my feet and turning to see what's next. God I could get used to this...