so shit has been alright. i mean whatever. i started going to school again. because i have one more absence left in like three of my classes before i get denied credit. i got denied credit in music theory, but whatever i dont need it for anything, and i dont even want to major in that anymore. soo yeah friday night was nice me and shib went to the
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You are a self-centered, fucking "PITY ME" machine.. Get over it.
"Poor ME, I have no one to talk to...Poor me, noone understands me......Poor me no one listens to me....Poor me, my life sucks"
Stop blaming your "horrible life" on everyone else. Stop acting like a fucking heel that gets stepped on...YOur so fucking gullible...and so naieve....
Shit or get off the Pot.Do a self evaluation of who you are, where you are ACTUALLY headed with those loser friends of yours and make a concious effort to better yourself....Your values SUCK...Your MORALS SUCK.....your friends SUCK and therefore YOU SUCK..You make your own the fork in the road you chose the wrong fucking one..Should i have made the sign a bit more fucking clearer? turn your fat ass around and walk back to the right one.....
Your friends will not be there forever, they are all losers and will be either drunks, addicts or dead by their mid-20' me I know.....I am GOD.
QUOTE FROM ME (GOD) Life is what you make of it, not of what Life makes you.
Grow up stupid, Drop those lozer friends of yours and use the fucking brain I gave you.
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