(no subject)

May 16, 2005 00:19

TITLE: Objection!
Part; 2/?
Pairing: Mainly Chuck and Seb
Rating: NC-17 (you knew it was just a matter of time...)
Disclaimer: I don't own a damn thing.
A/N: dedicated to lovestephenking for the wonderful idea and trendy_rocker because our comment-talks of Charles make me laugh. =)

I can't believe I'm condoning this shit, much less participating... Jeff thought as he sat in an armchair in the living room, two small tables in front of the table in front of him, complete with four chairs behind that. There was another chair to his left and he stared at it as he sighed heavily, still not able to fully believe what he was doing. A trial based on stolen pizza crusts? This is what his life had come to?

Chuck and Seb sat at one table while Pierre and David sat at the next. Pierre was currently staring at his boyfriend's ass as the small black haired man bent to retrieve a fallen pencil. He had dressed in a nice dress shirt and black pants for the occasion, his eyeliner meticulous as always.

But if Pierre was drooling, Seb was uncontrollably salivating at the sight of his lover. Chuck had on a grey suit, pressed perfectly over a freshly starched white dress shirt and a sensible tie. God, even I want to fuck him in that damn suit... Jeff thought as he watched Chuck read over his notes for his opening argument. Jeff quickly freed his mind and concentrated on his hands, knowing that a proper judge doesn't think of such things. "Counselors, keeping with tradition, the prosecution may state opening arguments first." he spoke as he nodded to Chuck, who took one last long look at his yellow legal pad and rose to pace the area between the "judge's bench" and the "plaintiff's table". He cleared his throat and transfixed his expression into a serious, take-no-shit, stare.

"We are here today because of one simple word, and that word, and that word is justice. It is a word on which the entire American legal system was founded. However that is besides the point, as we are Canadian. Granted, everything else about our countries are ridiculously similar and the importance of justice to our legal system to our American neighbors' is no different.

"What does justice truly mean? The dictionary defines it as something akin to moral righteousness. Righteousness. Meaning without guilt or sin. The defendent is neither without guilt or sin, thus he cannot be righteous. Therefore, we cannot, as good, upstanding Canadian citizens, possibly allow this to go unpunished. We must, as the law dictates, show this heathen that his actions of theft are incorrect and unjust. THEFT in a setting that cannot even be proven to be a moral exception is wrong. Without laws against such actions, our country, our glorious country of Canada, would be in ruins...the laughingstock of every other country on the globe.

"During this trial, I seek to prove to you beyond shadow of a doubt, that the defendent, Mr. Pierre Bouvier, maliciously broke the laws on which our own country's legal system is founded on. It will be up to you, your honor, to reintroduce justice to this young man's life. I pray only that it is not too late for his criminal ways to be changed. That he may properly realize his errors and atone for his ways. Thank you." he smoothed his tie and sat down again beside Seb, who held an expression on his face of relief and contentedness, knowing that with such sexy badass litigator on his his side, there was no possible way for him to lose this case.

David rose and took his place at the area between the tables and "the bench". He held his legal pad in his hands and flipped through it, though all the pages were blank. He cleared his throat then shrugged his shoulders as he looked up at Jeff. "I'm going to prove that the defendent didn't steal the pizza crusts. And Sebastien, err...the plaintiff... is crazy."

"OBJECTION!" Chuck rose from his seat and pounded his fist on the table, causing Seb to shiver at his forceful act. "My client's sanity is not in question, your honor."

"Sustained." Jeff sighed, wanting so hard to laugh but couldn't as he realized that the nightmare before him was his life.

"Alright, fine. The plaintiff isn't crazy. But... Pierre still didn't do it." David said shortly and returned to his desk then sat beside Pierre who looked like he was about to lose his composure, wanting to laugh so badly.

"That it? Alright, court is adjourned for the day, we return tomorrow when the prosecution will have the opportunity to begin presenting evidence and calling witness testimony." Jeff pounded a meat tenderizer, or rather, his "gavel" on the table and stood up, retreating once more to the garage so that he could practice.

"Damn, baby, you looked so hot arguing about how Pierre is a desensitized fuck-up..." Seb said as he stood with Chuck in the center of their room, his hands madly pressing the fabric of Chuck's suit jacket to the floor. He shivered as Chuck lifted his hands to Seb's shirt and pulled it slowly from his body before he quickly planted his lips at Seb's neck, sucking hard as the smaller man worked on unbuttoning his pants. Once loosened, Chuck's pants fell immediately to the floor and Seb hooked his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pulled those to the floor as well.

Chuck stepped out of his pants and boxers as he ran his tongue over a soft pink mark left from his ministrations on Seb's neck. He quickly unbuttoned and unzipped Seb's shorts, letting them fall to the floor before pulling his boxers down as well, leaving Sebastien completely naked. He let his eyes roam over his lover's naked figure before he silently reminded himself to ask Sebastien to dress more appropriately for court the next day. That can be addressed later... he thought as his hands ran softly up Seb's sides, his fingertips feather soft on the flushed skin before him while his tongue still ran over the skin of his neck. Fuck he loved the taste of Seb's skin.. fresh and soothing in scent but the taste was faintly reminiscent of peaches and cream, the soft and luxurious feel almost too much for his senses.

Seb brought his hands up to slowly unbutton Chuck's shirt and pushed the fabric from his arms slowly as his eyes took in the beautiful sight of Chuck's skin. True, he didn't get a lot of sun from the neck down, but that just made him more beautiful in Seb's eyes. The skin was milky white and just begged to be tasted. God but he'd been gorgeous in court today. He loved how smart his boyfriend was and often felt himself a little disappointed that he'd never get to see what Chuck would have made of himself had he not decided to become part of Simple Plan. But he was living his dream and nothing made Sebastien happier than knowing Chuck was happy. He pulled his hands up to Chuck's tie, the only article of clothing left on his body and led him by it towards the bed, where he lied back and pulled Chuck on top of him.

Chuck let his fingertips slide slowly down his lover's skin, over his stomach and down to his length. He loosely wrapped his fingers around Sebastien's erection and slid them up and down slowly as he thumbed the tip, pressing it against the slit gently. Sebastien gasped softly and closed his eyes as he pushed his hips up into Chuck's hand, his hands grabbing for his hair as his mouth crushed over Chuck's in a long kiss. One hand, in his excitement, reached for the bedside table where he expertly pulled the drawer open and grabbed a tube of lubricant which he quickly pressed into Chuck's palm. He muttered to Chuck to cut the foreplay, he was turned on enough from the performance in "court" earlier. Chuck snickered softly and coated his length slowly, causing Seb to squirm in anticipation as he spread his legs wide waiting. Finally, Chuck lifted one hand to Seb's hips to lift them as the other hand served as a guide for his length to the smaller man's entrance.

"Goddammit, just fuck me already..." Seb growled breathlessly as he pushed his hips up to Chuck's length, tired of waiting. Chuck agreed with a smirk as he pressed slowly into Seb's small body. Seb closed his eyes and let his jaw hang open slightly as he moaned loudly, relieved to finally have Chuck inside of him. Immediately he pressed his hips upwards, wanting to feel him deeper, as he wrapped his legs around Chuck's waist. Chuck began to move inside of him, slowly at first, but then faster as his excitement rose. Seb desperately matched his pace and pushed it even quicker, not wanting to wait for the glorious white hot wave of sensation he knew was coming. Chuck tilted his hips upwards even farther as he drove himself deeper, changing the angles of his thrusts to find the small gland that would drive his lover wild. Once he found it, Sebastien's eyes flew open and he screamed loudly in pleasure as he pushed his hips against Chuck's even more desperately.

Sebastien felt the muscles of his body tightening hard as he tried to keep forcing his hips up against Chuck's. He pulled his arms around Chuck's torso and whispered into his ear that he was close to reaching his release. Chuck whimpered in agreement and nodded as he drove himself even harder into Seb's body, lowering his mouth to bite softly at his collarbone. Seb cried out in the soft pain as the slick sheen of sweat over his body let the skin of his chest rub against Chuck's even quicker. Chuck lowered his hand to Seb's throbbing length and quickly wrapped his fingers around it and stroked him hard, his lips rising again to his lover's for a deep, passionate kiss. Seb moaned Chuck's name loudly as his body went rigid, his release taking over his small body as he screamed from pleasure. One, two, three thrusts more and Chuck found himself moaning softly as he filled Seb, his vision blurry as he collapsed on top of his lover, their bodies hot and sweaty.

Chuck pulled himself out of Seb and crawled slowly to the covers, pulling them back as he let Seb lie against him. He kissed Seb passionately as they lie together, still catching their breath as they shivered from the cool air hitting their sweaty bodies, the breeze completely welcome. Seb rested against his chest and traced small patterns against his flushed skin. After a few long moments, Chuck spoke softly "You know, this is a gross violation of the client/plaintiff relationship."

Seb looked up at him and snickered softly as he shook his head. "Shut the hell up and fuck me again."

"Then again, some rules are made to be broken..."

And so ends another chapter of my deranged imagination. Fret not, more is to come. Or, if you hate the story, fret a lot. Comments are always always welcome. Next to come is the DUN DUN DUN...WITNESS TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCIARY HEARINGS!

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