Dec 15, 2008 00:45
life has been entertaining. i have felt a bit spread thin at times, but for the most part, in a good way.
thursday was the most ridiculously productive day of my life.
it's nice to be driving around a frickin awesome (albeit a tad oil-leak-prone) audi.
i've got a ticket to Giant Maximus in LA on NYE. i am incredibly stoked. like ridiculously pumped. beyond belief. it's keeping me going right now. which is nice. it's given me something to look forward to, something to get ready for, something that will go down in the history books of my life. i am utterly jazzed.
thanksgiving's stuff-fest, kyle's leaving, and my realization of what's going on next semester (i.e. not much) has really put a damper on my mood as of late, but the shenanigans last thursday at home, the two shows coming up this week, my newfound love for the tango, christmas, NYE, etc etc, has allowed me some renewed faith in the coming times.
coworker, gino, won tix to see mercury rev at the fox tonight. i said i might be up for it a couple days ago, not sure what my plan was tonight... today rolled around; i was up for it. i needed a show. i needed lights in my face. i needed energy.
and it certainly helped. they put on a great show. i knew ZERO of their songs. i listened to one of them on youtube and a couple on myspace at work today. the myspace ones were forgettable, the youtube was not, but it was, in my mind, one of the weakest from the set tonight.
basically, my thoughts on the show were this: their soundscapes were great. each of the band members played their part. the light show was the best i'd seen at the fox.
sometimes i really like going to shows where i have no clue what the music like, and i have that rare chance to see those select few in the front row, raising their arms to the skies, dressed slightly strangely, maybe even carrying a bouquet of flowers (seriously) - the truly hardcore fans, completely overcome by the music that speaks to them. this is a phenomenon not often seen at larger shows, but rather one that only seems fit for a show with a scant few audience members, when the weather is only a few degrees above zero, when you know the band probably does not break even based on attendance. but what truly makes this remarkable is when the band acknowledges those true fans, and they give a performance as if they were playing ten thousand people. it is those times that i smile at the joy that emanates both from the stage and floor alike.
having never heard them before, never going to download an album anytime soon, i can say i would go see mercury rev live again.
on another note, i am exponentially (a low exponential, however) slipping further and further into a tango addiction.
giant maximus,
mercury rev,