bad day : (

Mar 14, 2004 17:08

well i woke up uber early today for a sunday anyways. to go to work. i get there and learn that we have 4 birthday parties all in a row, i have to stay till 6. and the other employee is sick and im working a lone. i was like are u serious? then steven ad justin 2 other employees randomly came into work. so it was ok. we had so many fucking parties. i hate young children. there anyonying....then there were 4 of us some how all working..went from 1 empolyee me. to 4. so iwas ike ok .im gonna leave so i did. i walked out at about 4:30 at the end of my shift..acutally later then the end of my shift. to get in my car and go home. then i see that a fucking bird shit on my car. so i had to get a car wash. i was majoirly arg'd. now im trying to finish my comp hw but its stupid and the directions dont make sense..i have so much hw and no time..ude think i would learn not to leave all my hw till sunday..but i dont....

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