Nov 18, 2004 20:50
sometimes i really think im losing my mind. lately, for instance, i cant remember things for the life of me, like someonell tell me something and literally 30 seconds later ill have no recollection whatsoever of what they just said, not even the faintest clue ... its like having this big blurry cloud in my brain. ive just been so caught up in my head ... always thinking, but to the point of insanity, like my brain has become its own entity and taken on a whole nother life form with little me running around in between trying to pull us back to reality ... its crazy, really, to say the least, and is proving to be quite an issue when it comes to work. tonight i fucked up on the register and adam and i had to stay an extra 45 minutes to figure it all out ... not good ...
one bright bit of the day, however, was getting a letter from jake. i wrote him a 6 pager right after the election ranting and raving like a madwoman and then another a few days later and have anxiously been awaiting a reply -- like everything in life would be ok if id just get a note back -- so that was nice to read tonight, especially after my crazy day at work. i guess mr schoenberg came down and visited last week, which he sounded excited about ... what a good man. its funny how much i really miss him [jake], i mean considering how little ive seen him in the past year and a half since i moved out. i guess its just the idea that hes stuck somewhere that gets to me and arises such feelings; not to say, though, that i wouldnt miss him were he still in portland. anyway, he had some really good things to say so i thought id quote him up a little:
"the unfortunate thing is that so many people voted as if they had the universal moral 'rightness' on their side, meaning that what they believe to be proper is right for all, rather than all these people being open minded enough to see from others perspective and that others are equally right in some regard ... politics try to display the world as being black or white, when really life is just shades of grey ..."
i guess thats it for the night. i might go over to krystines now to watch the diane sawyer interview with prince harry (god, i feel like my mom saying that) but am rather tired so must just pass out. regardless of decision made, theres ice cream sitting in the freezer that is just dying to be had. twould be rude not to oblige.