in 1994 a photographer by the name of Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for capturing a photo that reached into the hearts of millions of people.
this is the photo. It's of a girl dying of starvation in I believe Africa. He captured this moment while the vulture was stalking this young girl basically waiting for her to die so it can eat her. He did not help the girl by feeding her or anything, no one knows what happened to her. Sadly, she more than likely ended up dying. The fact that he did not help her haunted him and he wasn't able to live with himself so Carter ended up committing suicide. How horrific. Capturing such a moment, winning the highest honor a print journalist could ever get, and then committing suicide because he couldn't handle all the guilt?
i just wanted to share that with all of you. i heard it today while we were at the ny times.
kind of on the same topic....
today i was flagged down and "harassed" if you will by a gentleman on the street. WHILE I WAS ON THE PHONE! not even pretending, i was legitimately on the phone. he was going on and on about how 30,000 kids die everyday and how i should give them a chance by sending in $18 a month. i got really annoyed and left him after allowing him to continuously knock me down for not doing anything about it. i dont know why i just told that story. maybe im a hypocrite for not doing something about it after i had seen and been moved by the photo above but no one likes to be hassled. it just turns off that listening switch in my head.
thats all.