I need a plan.

Sep 23, 2005 16:08

Ahhhhh, so I guessed I lied in the last entry but, I miss this thing. I like it bcause everyone I've ever just kinda maybe met doesn't have it and read it and wanna be my "pal". I want the ability to be honest with out fear of prosecution.

I don't think I'm cut out for college. I like to learn but I hate all of the unimportant bull shit assignments that are stressing me out. I have no idea what I'm doing I have NO plan for my life.. there's nothing I want more than a plan, and to be famous of course.

Ugh! I was watching this terrible show, Laguna beach last night and there was this no talent little rich girl who got accepted into SMU, but then decided that she was going to move out to L.A. get an agent and live an apartment and "pursue her acting career". This girl was a singer, and a terrible tone-deaf one at that. She auditioned for her high school's musical her senior year and was cast as the lead, and now she fancies herself an actress. Why can't I be as good as the kids that get accepted to SMU theatre and Julliard? Why can't I be a famous actress? How can the Hillary Duffs and the Lindsay Lohans of the world keep getting ahead and leaving me in the dust? How? I'll tell you how! They have drive, and a plan, and they aren't scared little brats that don't want to leave their sheltered safe comfertable existance. Not to say that I deserve or am I any near good enough of an actress to be famous in any sense of the world... Hell, I couldn't even be the best in my high school, how am I supposed to be the best in college or in L.A. or New York? I hate this.

I want a plan.
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