Apr 23, 2009 23:13
At least for this week it is. I am struggling through another thursday night, everything is due on friday, every week. which is good and bad. the bad news is, is I procrastinated and have not studied enough for the test tomorrow. Although this is not completely my fault see as I had a test yesterday too. But I also have these papers due tomorrow, my teacher is a.... not very nice person. The good news is that I get to start all over again this weekend, and nothing due on monday which= more procrastinating.
So the doctor called, I have an ovarian csyst. which doesnt mean much except I get to go back in 6 weeks for another delightful ultrasound,where they ... well I wont get to graphic but its basically a large dildo....
I have been dreaming of summer, it has been beautiful here, the sun has been out for 4 whole days! but I want some heat with the sun. I want to just lay out on the sand and drink a corona with lime. I will just have to wait.
On another not I have been thinking we will visit Wenatchee during apple blossom, one of the weekends anyway.
I will now wade through the rest of my HW