Dec 18, 2004 14:34
is this what its like when youre an adult? you dont get the christmas feeling anymore? uggghhh
the lemony snicket's movie was real cute and very entertaining. im sure that briana, ryan, and kevin would disagree, however, because they slept through the entire movie practically.
sometimes i dont trust certain people... people really close to me. i dont think theyre doing anything incredibly wrong to me, like stealing from me or making up lies about me... but i just think they could be a little more honest with me and maybe not say things about me to each other. whether theyre just speculating or making petty comments... i dont really like the vibe im getting. it takes me a long time to feel totally comfortable with people and this is making me feel less close to those people.
i say this every semester, but next semester im really going to buckle down and study hard as crap, even if that means i have little or no social life. i actually have gotten better over time though. aside from one huge mess of a class, im expecting all As. i just have to remind myself that school is my number one priority... and although i want to enjoy my college years, i also want to benefit from them. in order to get where i want to be, i have to do well, and i have to start getting active in my field. i sound like a dork but this is important to me.
almost done christmas shopping!