random stuff i guess.

May 25, 2005 22:06

So the coolest thing happend and i was given a kinder egg today! I asked about i dont know but a bunch of people to get me a kinder egg and it ends up only 1 got the Kinder egg to California. That was the collest thing it was like Christmas!

Mi madre is in pain and this should be a leason to everyone. FLOSS YOUR TEETH!!! Do it everyday if you dont. My mom had to go to the dentist and get her gums completly cut up and they were grinding her teeth. They had to give here 15 ish shoots of the numbing stuff. Then after they did this the put the gums back and sowed..sewed..not sure how to say it. but they put them back together with sew..or sow (something). She cant eat anything hard for a week and cant do anything physical for 3-4 days and has to take a whole bunch of medicine. So this should be a leason for everyone. FLOSS YOUR TEETH!

So today was hot, about 95 or so degrees i'm sure. So when ever you would walk outside it would be a heat wave and you would melt. So i went swimming with Joe, Cody, and Phil today at my appartments pool. It was fun cause we were playing marco/polo. I only got tagged 4 times out of i dont know how many times the other people became it. But my mom ruined the fun when she wanted me back home. I'm a Jinx. So becarful what you say around me if it's bad and has a chance of happening. There is just something with me and bad luck. We just go together...Just some random stuff.
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