so i haven't updated in a while

Jun 27, 2006 10:47

I've neglected this for a while. I don't really care though. I sort of forgot about live journal until I was reading someone else's entry and then I thought that maybe it's time to update mine. I don't know if I'm having a great summer so far. I've had fun days, but at the same time I've had some shitty, boring ones. I think I've entered a state of depression because I just dropped my iPod off to be fixed and I'm not going to get it back for another 2 weeks, maybe less. No I'm not really wicked sad, but it's hard to drive without the music I normally listen to in the car. Hopefully the summer will get better. I've decided that I need a second job as well. Seeing as how in the one I currently have, we are getting paid under the table (illegal) and our boss takes some of our tips (illegal), I figure I should get another one so I can have more money coming in. Any ideas?

I guess I have stuff on my mind, but I won't bore you, and even if I felt like sharing, I wouldn't know where to start.


PS: Allan Manning is the sweetest boy ever!
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