Sep 29, 2009 00:24
causing chills to run down my spine.
i dont like it when people assume. im not straight. from what i can recall ive NEVER been straight. even when i was in grade school i just WAS. (Bisexual- something to be identified as when a certain girlloving self recognizes theres a boy involved.)
-fact: i have boyfriend.
-myth: boyfriend does not equal straight; do not pass go.
i am defiently not the straightest person on the planet, or even michigan for that matter, but there was always be the gay question. actually maybe i DO know that i am gay i just CANT let myself be because i cant do that to my boyfriend i cant allow it for myself. its something i cry over and think about over and over again.
im not just a "i dont know" (or dunno) or indifferent guessing human being.
its hard to think aloud and its even harder to admit im a stupid person. im human. i FUCK UP alot. especially with girls. especially with a girl.
sexuality relationships girls boy debate