May 10, 2007 04:19
It's around 3:20 am. I finished reading the book I started yesterday. It was pretty good. Now to start my next....
I suppose I really have nothing to talk about. But I am trying to keep this some what alive. So I must get into the habit of checking/ attempting to write in it daily, I suppose. Today was just another day, like the previous...Jealous cause my friends were hanging out in the mitten. Without me. But I must get use to this. I have to keep reminding myself that once we get to CA. I won't feel half so bad. It just brings me down a bit when I am aware of people having a good time and I am stuck in a hotel room reading a book. Not that I mind reading or anything but I am 22 years old and I could be DRINKING and PARYTING and HAVING FUN with my LADIES...And I'm not. But I suppose that's alright. I just need to get established already. I need to be able to sink my feet into solid ground and establish a little area. For my well being and for a little normalcy.
I am also hoping that once I get to CA I can find something creative to get involved with. Jared is always working on music or the such, and I want to feel like I am involved with something that has something to do with talent. I could work on some talent. I could work on something. I want to be able to feel worthy of it. Like Beth said, I am starting a new life and I can be whoever I want to be. Because no one out there will know me of otherwise. Here (or more like, there) I really wasn't known for doing anything besides drinking and hanging out. I want to go to school...maybe become apart of something within the college. Take the photography classes I have been telling myself for years that I would take. Take any kind of art class. Or maybe become involved with the community. I don't know how well I would do with community work as far as picking up trash, I mean I know I could do it. But my heart wouldn't be picking up some other litter bugs trash. I want to be like the people on Animal Planet!! REALLY REALLY. I want to help the little creatures that roam this planet. :) Especially the KITTIES. haha.
It would be nice if I could become as interested as Jared in all of the government injustices kind of stuff...Beause in all reality, I am interested but I like hearing the information from Jared or other PEOPLE instead of having to try and find the information myself. Or reading the information. Haha. Maybe a bit lazy, but half the time when I read articles about different things I have no clue who any of the people, that are being referenced in the material are! I have no idea which senator or congressman is which. No clue. I like to be able to ask questions to a live being. So I can receive an answer. I hate begging monitors to respond:)
I suppose I am done for now....
Ana Alicia.
(I've always enjoyed listening to Bjork, but I have been listening to Homogenic over and over and over lately. And I also wish to buy her new album as soon as possible) !!!!