001 - I will fuck you up.

May 04, 2010 20:27

Good afternoon. My name is Roxy, and I'll be a warden here on this ship for a while.

Let's get a few things straight so there's absolutely no confusion about it later on down the line:

First of all: my name isn't Sweetheart, Doll, or Cupcake, and I am not your "dear", your "baby" or your "honey". I expect you all to try very hard to remember that. Doesn't make any difference to me what you did to get yourself put in a post-mortem prison: if you respect me, I'll respect you.

Second, my room is number 1, on level 1. I'm telling you so you can avoid it. My room is off-limits. If I see so much as a toe poking in from under the door, I'll shoot it off.

I don't have an inmate yet, but I'm going to put it out there for all of you that I'm a reasonable person and I have reasonable expectations.

As long as you cooperate and work with me, we'll all get along fine.

If you decide to be an asshole and disrespect me, I will fuck you up.

i'm roxy, wardening, i will fuck you up

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