(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 17:29

so, finals week blows. had my math final today....yick really wants to cause me pain...grraaarrrrgghhhkklll. but this cheered me up!!

croutonanonymous (5:13:26 PM): jonjon!!!
Jewperman3113 (5:13:57 PM): yes yes
croutonanonymous (5:14:07 PM): i miss you!
croutonanonymous (5:14:10 PM): how are you
Jewperman3113 (5:14:19 PM): eh
Jewperman3113 (5:14:23 PM): how are you?
croutonanonymous (5:14:35 PM): eh is an accurate word choice
Jewperman3113 (5:14:50 PM): you two?
Jewperman3113 (5:14:54 PM): that stuff's been going around
croutonanonymous (5:15:04 PM): its an epidemic
Jewperman3113 (5:15:30 PM): eh-pidemic
croutonanonymous (5:15:42 PM): eh-xactly
Jewperman3113 (5:16:13 PM): pr-eh-cisely
croutonanonymous (5:16:39 PM): oh jon this is why eh love you
Jewperman3113 (5:17:24 PM): eh-t happ-eh-ns
croutonanonymous (5:17:41 PM): ok now were stretching eht
Jewperman3113 (5:18:57 PM): you have eh point
croutonanonymous (5:19:09 PM): ehh moo?
Jewperman3113 (5:19:57 PM): eheheh
croutonanonymous (5:20:15 PM): i miss ehsrael
Jewperman3113 (5:21:01 PM): all right, this game lost eh-ts eh-ppeal eh-ours ago
croutonanonymous (5:21:11 PM): i ehgree
croutonanonymous (5:21:26 PM): oh that one was r-eh-lly good ehdmit it
Jewperman3113 (5:21:35 PM): and yet I dont want to g-eh-ve up
Jewperman3113 (5:21:47 PM): fine, I eh-dmit it
croutonanonymous (5:21:50 PM): m-eh eh-ther
Jewperman3113 (5:21:51 PM): and now I'm done
croutonanonymous (5:21:59 PM): losehr
Jewperman3113 (5:22:11 PM): someone had to break the cycle
croutonanonymous (5:22:16 PM): true that homes
Jewperman3113 (5:23:05 PM): eh few more s-eh-conds eh-nd eh-d become eh-ddicted
croutonanonymous (5:23:23 PM): eh-oh
croutonanonymous (5:23:53 PM): ok im seriously done now
Jewperman3113 (5:24:25 PM): me too, but I'm afraid it's going to pop up every now and again against my control
croutonanonymous (5:24:48 PM): like herpes!!!!
Jewperman3113 (5:25:08 PM): we've cre-eh-t-eh-d a monster
croutonanonymous (5:25:30 PM): we sure hehve
Jewperman3113 (5:26:02 PM): give me some cr-eh-dit for that double word score
croutonanonymous (5:26:34 PM): 2 points to jon
croutonanonymous (5:26:45 PM): congrehdulehtions
Jewperman3113 (5:26:54 PM): I'll put it up on the big board
Jewperman3113 (5:27:01 PM): oh snap you tied me
croutonanonymous (5:27:33 PM): damn rehght
Jewperman3113 (5:28:18 PM): I thought you were done, s-eh-riously
Jewperman3113 (5:28:35 PM): r-eh-m-eh-mb-eh-r?
croutonanonymous (5:28:40 PM): ehts taken ehold of meh and eh cant ehscape it hehlp!!!!!
Jewperman3113 (5:29:13 PM): eht'll be ok, just take a deep br-eh-the
Jewperman3113 (5:29:34 PM): bad idea, just count to t-eh-n
croutonanonymous (5:29:36 PM): ok im sehck of this
Jewperman3113 (5:29:41 PM): that's no good either, oh crap
croutonanonymous (5:29:51 PM): hahaha
Jewperman3113 (5:31:18 PM): it's incr-eh-d-eh-ble how we've k-eh-pt th-eh-s up, ehnd y-eh-t t-eh-rr-eh-ble
croutonanonymous (5:31:35 PM): once again, i ehgree complehtly

i know that was long but its funny (at least to me) and if you read it out loud it sounds liek a french accent or yochai's first attempts at english!!! behye now ehvehryone
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