May 19, 2007 20:20
A good end to the semester. An annoying start to the summer. Right now it's chilly & rainy, and my room is a mess. I hate living amongst clutter, even though I am a very messy person. It makes me crazy.
Anyway, I don't really have much to say... No one has been updating on here for me to read, and I have been returning the favor. I watched the horserace today. Shame that Street Smart didn't win again. Every year I hope for a triple crown and every year I'm disappointed. Maybe sometime before I die.
And I also turned 21 a few weeks ago. Go me! I haven't died for a full, legal time. 9 more years of life and I can legally run for president, although I can't think of a job I'd want less. Unless it was head of the CIA. That's probably gotta be pretty lousy, too. Seriously stressful.