May 22, 2008 22:34
Funnily enough, not one full day after writing what I did yesterday, a couple of things happened. One of them took the form of an everyday gesture, but meant so much. (You know who you are, and thank you!) Another was an out-of-the-ordinary experience that simply handed me an obvious answer.
I don't just want things because they are easy, I want things because they are right. Some things just need to be in the right light before they are clear. If you know me at all, you know that I will stick to my guns, and if pushed, I will stick even harder. I especially don't want to be pitied by those that I pity, and I don't want to be pushed by people that are easily pushed themselves. Maybe I want a little chase, especially if it's a clever, fun one. Maybe I don't want to be called baby and gorgeous by someone who barely knows me. Maybe this makes me difficult; maybe it makes me smart.
I don't accept clichés; I don't accept empty and senseless compliments especially if I can see your two faces behind them. (I've gotten better at accepting compliments overall though, I think.) I have a radar for genuine souls, for better or for worse, and though I sometimes lose sight, I need to believe that I will guide myself correctly. Sometimes I can't believe I'm 26 years old, and sometimes I feel every single one of the experiences that have brought me to my 26 years.