Jeff is in South Africa, Part 1

Jul 15, 2006 20:51

For those friends who have not received my emails from abroad, here it is. Love you all - enjoy!

Hello Everyone,

This is just an update for my lived ones about my journey and
experiences in South Africa. I arrived just this week and will be
starting classes at University of Capetown Monday morning.  I have
limited internet access, so I am unable to send pictures just yet -
but they will come next week.

My journey began with a 32 hour flight from San Francisco to
Washington DC to Dakar, Senegal to Johannesberg and finally to
Capetown (two days later!) The flight was not as bad as I had
anticipated. I took a natural sleep enducement pill that helped me
along on the long leg of the flight. I slept a total of 9 hours which
has helped with my adjustment to the time change. I feel great and
refreshed and healthy. It is amazing how smooth the trip has gone.

I met my classmates at the airport and upon arrival, most from UC
Davis. Each and every one of them are unique and great. We instantly
bonded and have become fast friends in the last few days. We moved
into the dorms and started to explore the Cape today.

There is so much to tell you, so much to say. But to put it simply -
this place is magical. Its beauty transends words at this point, which
is why I need to send pictures. They will speak for themselves. But it
is not just the landscape that puts me in awe, but the people create
an atmosphere of warmth and kindess that impresses me. I cannot wait
to see more, hear more and experience more. It awaits.

Until next time, know that I am safe, happy and growing. I love you
all - enjoy the moment you have right now.

As I write I am sitting in a cafe, with dozens of people watching the
World Cup Final game. You can only imagine how crazy it is in here. I
am loving it.  I will never forget this.

To Africa & beyond,

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