blacktop posted this in another thread and I'm copying it here to give to it the right space. Take a look:
"House" has trumpeted its connection with NAMI, the national organization for mental illness over many years. I think that every "House" fan show write to the organization at the website below to register a strong complaint about the season finale and its presentation of violence against women.
I hope others will join in the effort to get the "House" show runners to take notice of their grave mistake.
Here is what I wrote (if this should be placed elsewhere, mods please move it as you deem best): I first learned about NAMI several years from the publicity efforts of the cast and creators of the television show "House," which adopted NAMI as one of its chief philanthropies. Because of "House" I gave money to NAMI and I even became a faculty advisor to the NAMI chapter on my campus.
However, I was distressed and disgusted by the terrible depiction of mental illness revealed on the finale episode of "House" on May 23, 2011. In that episode, House is in despair over the break up of his romance with his long-time love, Cuddy. At the end of his rope, House snaps in anger. He plows his car at full-speed into the dining room of Cuddy's home after seeing that she and her family were at the table. Through dramatic license, no one was killed or injured in the assault.
This was a violent depiction of homicidal mania. After the horrific crash into the building, House flees the scene of destruction and we see him in the end on a desert beach, smiling and sipping a cocktail. He is shown to be content, without remorse, and emotionally freed by his act of cathartic violence.
I am disturbed because in this popular and influential show, the Fox network has provided an impressionable public with a supportive justification for domestic violence. In the view of the show's creator David Shore, House attempted to kill or maim the woman he loved because he was angry or jealous or because she had rejected him. In other words, David Shore condoned and justified domestic violence against women.
I urge you to contact David Shore, Katie Jacobs, and Hugh Laurie, the executive producers of "House" to express your concerns about the depiction of mental illness on their show. They need to hear from NAMI that homicide is never justified and that the mentally ill are not murderous maniacs.
I also urge you to publically break the affiliation of NAMI with "House."