FM: You'll probably move right through me on my way to you

Oct 12, 2007 21:29

I'd had enough of waiting for people to figure the prophecies out. Had enough of secret meetings on the island that allowed me only a taste of what was truly mine. My girl was becoming more addicted to my teeth ripping at her flesh. She probably was beginning to notice that with each taste she allowed me she was being drawn deeper into the dark ( Read more... )

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iwasfading October 13 2007, 02:43:14 UTC
"I'm not messing around, Lexi. I'm trying to help you." I didn't want to fight her on this, but she was unlikely to just walk calmly into death. Even if she knew that I would bring her back stronger and better than she was before. She'd have power she never even dreamed of.

"He's stronger than you now," I whispered to her as I moved closer, slamming her back against the wall hard. I didn't care if we made noise. In fact, I wanted them to hear us. To know that I was making her mine while they were forced to listen.

Did she realize what Connor even was? Of course not. Not one really knew. "He is one of a kind. Chances are, you just aren't strong enough right now to defeat him. Your family is torn with wanting to protect you both. He kidnapped your mother, yet they still want to protect you both. Me? I'm completely fine with killing the prophecy boy to ensure you aren't taken away."

My tone was so soft even if my grip on her hair was anything but gentle. I watched the vein in her neck dance for me. God she was so perfect. So very much mine. I wanted to coax death out of her. I wanted to make her feel how good it could be.

"Fragile little princess kept up in your tower. I could break you out and give you the heart of a dragon. Breathe fire, little one, make me feel the burn." I smirked as I sunk my fangs into her neck and took a drink. I wasn't draining her yet. I wanted to build her up for it. My fingers tangled in her hair pulling painfully hard.

I knew her secret. She was like her daddy. She liked it when it hurt. I bet that teenage boytoy hadn't realized that to really get Alexia's motor running you had to make her feel it.


osborn_heiress October 13 2007, 02:52:06 UTC
I narrowed my eyes at her when she told me about Connor. I wanted to kill him dead for kidnapping my mom but I hadn't gone after him because she asked me not to. I didn't know how strong Connor was, maybe that was true. But nobody knew how strong I was either, and that was how I liked keeping it. Duh. Everyone wanted to protect us both. We were practically related, although not really cause that would be weird since he was my first crush and all.

Finally I understood what she was talking about. Heart of a dragon? I didn't have a chance to process it before her fangs were in my neck. I cried out, my back pressed against the wall as I felt the sharp sting of pain radiating down my throat. She wasn't usually like this. Something was wrong tonight. It wasn't usually like this.

Finally I pushed her away so hard she slammed into a chest of drawers and almost landed on her face. I just stared at her for a minute trying to think of something to say to her, but I was coming up short. For a split second I even thought about running upstairs like a scared little girl to hide behind my mommy. That was so lame. I wasn't a little girl anymore. Wasn't that what I was always trying to prove?

"You have to leave right now." Why the hell would my mother invite her in? I'd dismissed her when she said that earlier cause there was no way in hell she was telling the truth but suddenly a really scary feeling began to settle over me as I watched her.


iwasfading October 13 2007, 03:00:04 UTC
I laughed when she pushed me into the chest. Bouncing back to my feet, I licked my lips slowly. Did she see how much I savored the taste of her on my lips? She had to know what kind of power she had over me. Here I was, the biggest and baddest of my family line, and I was performing tricks for a teenager. People shouldn't estimate Alexia.

I sure didn't.

"I'm not leaving, Lexi. The house is all ours tonight. I just want to know something. Something only you can help me with."

There was a dangerous look in my eyes as I closed the distance between us, grabbing a fist full of her hair and slinging her face first over the side side of the couch. I held her this way, bent over, struggling to get her balance again.

It made me think about that time with her mom. How the sound of my hand slapping that turned up ass had echoed off the walls of that warehouse. How her cheeks had flushed with a shade of red that she probably never experienced before.

"Do you want me to make it hurt or make it quick? I think you might enjoy the pain. It would be good for you to see what you are able to withstand as as you are now so you can fully appreciate the difference of what you'll be when you wake back up."

My free hand slid over her ass and cupped it gently. "You'd look so pretty in chains bleeding for me. Don't you want to truly understand those memories you have of your father's?"


osborn_heiress October 13 2007, 03:08:35 UTC
I was panicking a little bit which made it harder to concentrate on her words specifically. I knew what her intention was. What was wrong with her? She'd never been like this before, at least not this scary. Even when I went to try and go kill her she still played with me more than actually hurt me. She knew I was supposed to do something important. Why did she wanna kill me now?

Pulling my leg back as far as I could I slammed my heel into her shin so that she let go of my hair and I was able to flip over easily before kicking her again this time in the stomach and sending her back into a wall. Scrambling away from the couch I began climbing up the stars two at a time. "MOM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "DAD!"

I finally got to the master bedroom and I pushed the doors open only to see that it was....empty. Daddy might be at a meeting but Mom wasn't in bed. Crap. Where was Tyler? If he was here right now I just hoped he didn't come out of his bedroom.

Gracefully I pulled the closet doors open and started looking through all of the weapons. I'd seen so many of them at slayer school but I'd never actually....used them. My hands wrapped around an axe as I left the room again. I was holding my breath now because I had no clue where Sophia was and that was almost scarier than her trying to kill me.

Gripping the axe tightly I snuck down the hallway quietly and pushed my brother's door open cause I thought maybe the two of us could make our escape but his bedroom was empty too.


iwasfading October 13 2007, 03:16:07 UTC
She fought back hard without answering my question. Right then. Hurt it was. I recovered from her kicking me away and laughed as she ran up the stairs. Making my way into the kitchen, I grabbed a couple of long knives. I was going to make her feel things she had only dreamed of. Deep down inside her she had to laid in bed at night and thought about those memories. Wondered why she craved those kinds of things when she was supposed to be a good little girl.

I silently made my way up the stairs and used the darkness of the halls to conceal me as I followed her. I had a lot more experience at being the hunter than she did at the prey. Her heart was beating so fast and loud that it was better than any trail of breadcrumbs. That's it baby, discover they are all gone.

"Lexi," I whispered as I came up before her as she looked into Tyler's room. I lashed out a punch to her face that was hard enough to send her sailing down the hall toward her room. Yes, let's go there and play. Before she could get up to her feet, I kicked her in the ribs to help move her along.

"You shouldn't run off like that. I already told you that the house was ours tonight and now you've gone and made a mess. Naughty little girl. I should put you over my knee and spank you properly."

There was a big smile as I watched her jump to her feet. She had her axe. Was she actually going to decapitate me?

"One last chance, you decide, do you want me to take my time and show you how pain turns into pleasure, or do you want this over with quick? I'm going to bring you back as something so strong and beautiful that no one, not even Connor, will be able to hurt you."


osborn_heiress October 13 2007, 03:23:36 UTC
Ouch. I clutched my ribs as we both fell into my bedroom. "Sophia!" I yelled out, looking at her and I hated it for a second. Because I thought I could just play with this, play with her and it wouldn't really mean anything about who I really was. But this was me, Prophecy Girl with half of a soul and the memories of someone else's life. I could see myself reflected in Sophia's dark eyes, they were like midnight as the blunt end of my axe collided with her head so hard I was surprised it didn't crack right open like an eggshell.

She grabbed onto it then, so strong, she was so much stronger than everything that came before and after her. But how strong was I? Still gripping the axe I kicked my legs up in a move that I'd seen one of the slayers at school do, I mirrored it perfect as my feet smashed into her face before I landed on the other side of the axe.

Jerking it out of her hands as she tried to hold onto it I knew I was getting too cocky as I swung the axe down on her hard and she caught the handle of it with one hand. I glared at her for a minute before she ripped it out of my hands and flung it towards the wall.

The sharp end sunk into a picture I'd had framed. It was of me and my brother and it split us right down the middle.

"Sophia, what are you doing?" I asked her angrily right before I felt her fist collide with my face. Okay, seriously ow. I was getting too cocky and I swung out blindly only to end up being tossed face first into the wall.


iwasfading October 13 2007, 03:31:11 UTC
She was finally trusting some of her instincts. Letting nature take it's course as the slayer in her started to surface. But she wasn't a full slayer. She was something more, something different, and I was way more prepared for what she could do than she was prepared for what I could do.

Jerking the axe away, I slammed it into the wall as hard as I could. She'd have a hell of a time getting it back out now. Punching her hard, she went back a step before throwing a sloppy post. Seeing my chance, I grabbed her arm and twisted it painfully behind her, holding her in place as I slammed her into the wall.

"I'm taking what is mine. I'm making you into what you're meant to be. You should have answered me, Lexi. You had a choice. Now? Now you're going to play it my way."

I pulled her back before slamming her hard face first into the wall again. Then again. I knew she was getting dazed. She wasn't used to this kind of violence. She had danced with darkness without completely diving in.

Letting go of her arm, I pushed her toward the opposite side of the room hard enough for her to bounce off her desk. Lashing out a kick to her knee, I grinned at her as I reached for the knife.

"Come on, baby, show me if you plan to fight or if you are ready to play the fun games. I can make it feel so good. Just the way you like it."


osborn_heiress October 13 2007, 03:47:25 UTC
My head was starting to hurt really bad. I was breathing hard by the time she let me go and flung me towards the desk. I leaned heavily against the wall for a minute and looked over at her. Her eyes were drinking me in and they were so different tonight, like I could get lost in them, like this time I was really gonna drown.

I tried to make a quick dash for the door but she was in my way in a flash, pushing me back inside. I stumbled and fell to the floor near my bed because I had my eyes totally locked on her. Quickly I scrambled back up to my feet and took another step forward as she advanced on me. I tried to remember other things, moves I saw my mom, my dad or any of my friends making. I'd killed a couple of vampires here and there before but they were easy, run of the mill vampires. Sophia wasn't anything like them.

"I don't like you like this...." My voice was shaky but demanding all at the same time as I looked at her. "Go back to the way you were before."

I can hear my dad's voice. He's saying please but did he want this? Did it run this deep? Would he have begged Angel to turn him even if he wasn't dying? Would he have wanted the hurt to go that far? I hated thinking about it, and I hated him right in that moment for leaving me all of his crap just running around in my brain! Those were his, not mine!

"Where's my brother?!" I demanded, my voice rising angrily. She said my mom had invited her in well where was she now? She had started to advance on me as I backed up towards the window. I'm not a fighter but I don't wanna die, not even for her and sometimes I thought I would give her anything. I looked up at the cracked picture of me and Tyler before my eyes focused on Sophia again.


iwasfading October 13 2007, 04:02:21 UTC
"Safe. They're safe, Lexi. I didn't hurt them. I gave you my word." My tone was so soft. So soothing and hypnotic. The tone she ached for before. She'd backed herself into a corner and now it was time to stop with the games. Take what was mine and introduce her to her new life.

There would be an eternity for games later.

"You can see them when you wake up," I promised her. Granted, she might eat them, but what could you do?

Moving across the room like a lioness toward the zebra, I had her pinned to the wall next to the window. "Let's do this properly then." I kissed her cheek, before tossing her away from the wall and on to the bed. I was on her so fast. My thighs clamped down hard against her hips. One hand held her hands above her head, pinning her to where she had slept so safely for so many nights. To where she would take her last breath.

"I love you, Alexia. Look at me." I slapped her hard across the face. "Look at me, baby, I love you and that is why I'm going to be your family forever and ever now." My hand cupped one breast through the material of her shirt as I lunged forward, clamping my thighs harder against her, gripping her wrists hard enough to leave bruises, and sinking my fangs deep into her necks. Cry for me baby. Cry and scream as I kill you because it will make this moment sweeter for both of us.


osborn_heiress October 13 2007, 04:13:17 UTC
When I woke up? I was definitely panicking now and it made it harder to focus on her until she slapped me across the face. Then I was forced to stare up at her, finally for the first time feeling real fear rippling through me. I had never been scared of Sophia before. The first time I met her she saved my life and now she was ending it. What about my parents? My brother? They'd be devestated.

The dull throbbing ache in my wrists did little to compare to the sharp sting that was racing down the length of my neck again. This time I could hear her drinking, I could actually hear her and it made me more scared. I felt a few tears roll down my cheek as I looked back at that picture of me and my brother. We were cracked, probably since we'd been born but at least we were always together. What was he gonna do without me?

A sob bubbled up in my throat as the pain started to grow and my vision began to narrow into a black tunnel. I let it loose and yelled, I screamed at the top of my lungs until I couldn't scream anymore as I felt her drain the life out of me. Bucking up from underneath her I tried one last ditch effort to break free but it was too late.

I had stopped screaming and didn't really even have the energy to cry anymore as I watched her slice the skin just above her breast. I couldn't fight her when she propped me up and pressed my mouth against it. Please. Please. Please. I wanted to hold on, but I couldn't. Greedily I drank from her, I drowned in that darkness and then I fell asleep.


iwasfading October 13 2007, 04:20:11 UTC
The screams ripped right through me. Made me tingle all the way down my spine to the tips of my toes. The tears made the blood sweeter. The smell of fear turned me on in way she couldn't yet imagine. But she would understand one day. One day soon actually. I had to get her some place safe because she would need to feed when she woke up.

I already had her dinner picked out. They were waiting at my beach house. Then I would let her choose where she would go. Would she find her brother and mother and let them out? Or would she go to tell her father?

As much as I wanted to be the one to tell Harry what I'd done to his little princess, it felt better if it was left to Lexi. Let him truly see what his baby had become.

I stroked her hair as she fed from me. Waited until that last breath escaped before I laid her back down and brushed the tears and blood away. I kissed her eyes closed and then carried her out of the room and down the stairs. On my way out of the house, I stopped at the basement door and pondered telling them the truth. But then I decided that I'd leave that to the family to inform them.

Let them wonder what happened to dear sweet Alexia.

It wasn't hard to get her situated in the car and then I made the drive home. I'd prop her up on a silk covered bed and let her sleep her death's sleep. Then I'd take her down to my play room where her dinner was waiting. She could play games with them. She'd learn to feed properly. Then she would make her choice.

Did she want her daddy first or her mommy and brother?

It didn't matter really. I was her new mommy, and I was going to take very good care of my angel.


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