Oct 30, 2006 20:25
Today was banana sangwich.. i worked so fucking hard its not even right.. at some points of working i was like i hope im getting paid well (cause i didnt know, and my dad never paid good before)
so i sitting here writing, alot going thru my head.... completely physically exhausted...
i got paid 150 bucks for today tho.. cash.. solid, i love daddy thank you for everything! (like he'll read this haha) ps im gonna get kinda big i think, maybe ill stop somethings i do and start working out hahahahha
all is well in my little lame world...
joe is going to get jackie diamond in like like 3 or 4 weeks.. aka i have 3 or 4 weeks to live here..
but daddy said maybe me and him will get a place.. aka my life is amazing.. i would have a HOME a real 1 with a family member!!! HWHAT!?
so.. main thing on my mind..
i am so tired of girls they are so fucking boring.. it makes me not want to date ever...
but at the same time it makes me want to stop trying to meet a beautiful,funny,chill girl and fall in love and be happy.. instead just settle for a girl that i dont find attractive, entertaining, funny chill..... just to get it over with and spend some time with someone...
i dunno im learning how to live with out anyone.. i hate it.. i feel so alone.. but free..
from boyz and girls... i have DEF learned how to live with out ashlee and thats for sure..
but i want to cuddle a girl and watch a movie RIGHT NOW so bad... she was the best cuddler ever and everyone is like there are so many fish in the sea BRO.. ya? where the mad bitches at..
why is it when i was dating ashlee i had to fight girls off me like a tag body spray commercial now i feel like a creep 100% of the time every time i like a girl...
i wanted to be single for so long.. the second i break up with that girl, i realized how bad every other girl sucks, WORSE then ashlee!!! thats bad! so i go back out with her she ends up being the cheatiest slunt of a decade (my rat tall is tickling my neck!!! haha)
****took a train to new york city met a girl was pretty**** BEYAH!
ok heavy heavy lowlow put me in an ok mood i can watch a movie alone with out a girl now haha
thanks for reading if you care, love bits and razor blades to you!